An introduction to Japanese - Syntax, Grammar & Language

(Joyce) #1


5.2.1 Numerical counters.................... 235
5.2.2 General counters for articles............... 238
5.2.3 Counters for living things................ 245
5.2.4 Occurrences and ranking................. 247
5.2.5 Counting time related units............... 251
5.2.6 Additional words for quantification.......... 259
5.3 Using numbers.......................... 264
5.3.1 Telling time and date................... 264
5.3.2 Basic arithmetics..................... 268
5.3.3 More advanced mathematics.............. 271

6 Language paĴerns 273
6.1 Comparisons, preferences and choice.............. 273
6.1.1 Binary choices....................... 273
6.1.2 Open choices....................... 275
6.1.3 Comparison through likeness, and impressions.... 276
6.1.4 Discussing possibilities.................. 283
6.2 Nominalising........................... 285
6.2.1 Back referral using................... 286

6.2.2 Abstract conceptualisation using

.......... 286

6.2.3 Real conceptualisation using

............. 287

6.2.4 Illustrating a circumstance, case or occasion using

6.2.5 Indicating a moment of opportunity using

... 289

6.2.6 Describing an occurrence using

........... 290

6.2.7 Indicating a specific time or event using

...... 290

6.2.8 Stating an expectation using

............. 291
6.2.9 Stating a social expectation or custom using... 291
6.2.10 Indicating a moment in time using ( )..... 292

6.2.11 Stating an intention using

............ 293

6.2.12 Stating a meaning or situational explanation using

6.2.13 Describing a way, using

............... 295
6.2.14 Indicating an exact manner using......... 295

6.2.15 Stating purpose using

................. 296

6.2.16 Incidating apparent behaviour using

....... 297

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