Specific gravity
Optical rotation
Acid value ....
Ester „ 8„16
„ „ (after acetylation)
0'934 to 0'962
- 25° „ + 35°
1-5 „ 3*5
(^8) „ 16
30 „ 55
Bacon l has examined an oil distilled in the Philippines and found it
to have a specific gravity 0*930 (at ~) ; optical rotation + 8
- 6°; refrac^
tive index 1-5030; and ester value 81.
According to Jackson and Menke^2 it is separable by fractional dis-
tillation under a pressure of 60 mm. into three portions, the first boiling
below 193°, the second from 193° to 198°, and the third forming a semi-
solid residue. The chief ingredient was the fraction 193° to 198° which
consisted of a nearly pure alcohol, a pale yellow oil with an aromatic
smell, of specific gravity 0
956 at ~, and optical activity [O]D = + 24-58
At ordinary pressure it boils at 285° to 290°. It appears to be an alcohol
of the formula C 18 H 18 O or CUH 20 O, which has been called turmerol.
Valeric and caproic acids have also been isolated. According to Suida,
the principal ingredient is a body isomeric with carvone, C 10 HUO, but
this is probably incorrect. The terpene phellandrene has been found in
the oil.
The most recent work on this oil is that of Luksch,^3 who isolated
from it a ketone, curcumone C 13 H 18 O, probably isomeric with turmerol,
It is a colourless oil of sharp ginger-like taste, having a specific gravity
09566 at 20°, optical rotation + 80'55°, and refractive index 1'50526.
It boils at 119° to 122° at 8 to 11 mm. Its oxime boils at 159° and its
phenylhydrazone melts at 92°.
The roots of Curcuma Zedoaria yield from 1 to 15 per cent, of an
essential oil having the following characters:—
Specific gravity
Optical rotation .....
Refractive index .....
Acid value.
Ester ,
,, „ (after acetylation)
. 0-982 to 1-012
- 8°
. 1-5020 ,
(^0 2)
, + 18°
, 1-5060
, 2'5
> 25
, 68
It is soluble in 1-5 to 2 volumes of 80 per cent, alcohol.
Cineol has been identified as a constituent of this oil, and Bacon^4
has isolated a sesquiterpene alcohol, which forms crystals melting at
67°. It is optically inactive and has a specific gravity 1*010 at j^.
The roots of Kcempferia Galanga yield an essential oil having a>
specific gravity about 1-025, optical rotation - 16°, and refractive index
1*5428. It contains the ethyl ester of jp-methoxy-cinnamic acid melting
at 50°, and the ethyl ester of cinnamic acid. It also contains penta-
decane. The roots of Kcempferia rotunda yield 0-2 per cent, of an oil
of specific gravity 0-890 to 0'900, and optical rotation about + 12°. It
contains cineol.
*Philipp. Jour. Sci., 5 (1910), 262.
Inaug. Dissert. Basle, 1906.
2Amer. 4 Chem. Jour., 4 (1882) 368.
Philipp. Jour. Sci., 5 (1910), 261.