Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


  1. 0-1904 grm.'of the substance yielded 0-2012 grm. H 2 O and 0-6133 grm. CO,.

  2. 0-1240 „ „ „ „ 0-1284 „ „ 0 3984 „
    Calculated for C 15 H 24 :— Found :—

      1. C 8823 per cent. 8785 per cent. ; 8763 per cent.
        H 11
        76 „ 1174 „ 1151
        For further identification caryophyllenic alcohol was produced from
        it, of which the melting-point was found at 95°. Two combustions
        yielded values corresponding with those calculated for an alcohol

  3. 02277 grm. of the substance yielded 02366 grm. H 2 O and 0-6727 grm. CO,,.

  4. 01819 „ „ „ „ 0-1923 „ „ 0*5399 „
    Calculated for C 15 H 95 OH :— Found :—

    1. C 81-08 per cent. 80-57 per cent. ; 8095 per cent.
      H 11-71 „ 11-55 „ 11-75 „
      Seychelles cinnamon bark oill contains cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol,
      caryophyllene, phellandrene, cymene, camphor, camphene, /2-pinene,
      limonene, benzaldehyde, linalol, and nonylic aldehyde (?).
      Cinnamon leaf oil differs from the bark oil in consisting principally
      of eugenol. The oil has the following characters :—
      Specific, gravity 1
      043 to 1066
      Optical rotation - 0° 10' „ + 2° 35'
      Refractive index 1
      5300 ,, 1-5400
      Eugenol...... 70 to 95 per cent, (rarely lower)
      Aldehydes 0 to 3 per cent.
      It is soluble in 2 to 3 volumes of 70 per cent, alcohol, becoming
      turbid on the addition of more alcohol. %;~^
      This oil contains eugenol, cinnamic aldehyde, safrol, benzaldehyde,.
      linalol, terpenes, and traces of benzoic acid.
      The oil distilled from the bark of the root, according to Pilgrim,
      has a specific gravity 0994 and optical rotation + 50°. It contains
      pinene, dipentene, phellandrene, cineol, camphor, eugenol, safrol,
      borneol, and caryophyllene.
      A Japanese cinnamon oil is obtained from various parts of the plant,
      Cinnamomum Loureirii, known locally as Nikkei. The oil from the
      leaves of young shoots has the following characters :—
      Specific gravity 0
      Optical rotation - 8° 45'
      Acid value 3
      Ester „ 18-6
      Aldehydes .......... 27 per cent.
      It contains cinnamic aldehyde, citral cineol, and linalol. Oil from
      the trunk wood contains cinnamic aldehyde and eugenol, and oil from
      the root bark contains cinnamic aldehyde, camphene, linalol, and cineol,
      Other cinnamon oils of less importance are as follows :—
      The oil from the leaves of Cinnamomum glanduliferum (a Nepal
      species) has been examined and found to have the following charac-
      ters :—

Specific gravity 0*9031 to 0*9058
Optical rotation - 24° 57' „ - 26° 12'
Acid value 0-34 „ 0*9
Ester „ 8*8 „ 18-4
„ „ (after acetylation) .... 46*9 „ 55*3
Schimmel's Report, November, 1908, 41; April, 1913, 42.
Schimmel's Bericht, April (1905), 84.
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