Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


He found in it from 30 to 40 per cent, of carvacrol, and traces of another
phenol. Two hydrocarbons at least are present, probably cymene and
a terpene. A sample examined by Schimmel & Co. had a specific gravity
•939 and optical rotation — 2° 35'. It was soluble in 4*5 volumes of 70
per cent, alcohol, and contained 65 per cent, of phenols. Two samples
distilled in the South of France, and examined by Schimmel & Co., had
the following characters :—

    1. Specific gravity 0-908 0-919
      Optical rotation - 1° 42' - 4° 48'
      Refractive index 1-4949 —
      The oil of the summer savory, S&tureja hortensis, does not differ
      greatly from that of the winter savory. It has the following char-
      acters :—
      Specific gravity 0-900 to 0*933
      Optical rotation + 0° 4' „ - 1°
      Phenols - 35 to 45 per cent.
      An oil examined by Jahns, having a specific gravity 0-898, was found
      to contain 30 per cent, of carvacrol, with traces of a second phenol,
      cymene, and one or more terpenes.
      Sottureja. cuneifolia, a plant grown on the Dalmatian Islands, yields
      an oil which has been examined by Schimmel & Co.
      Four samples had
      the following characters :—
      Spesific gravity. Rotation. Refractive Index. Phenols.
      0-9182 - 4° 45' 1-4382 23 psr cent.

  • 09190 - 5° 15' 1-4982 34 „
    0-9444 - 2° 15' 1-4053 59
    0-9444 - 1°50' 1-4056 59
    Carvacrol and cymene are the principal constituents of the oil.
    Saturejoi thymbra yields an essential oil having the following char-
    acters :—
    Specific gravity 0
    Thymol about 20 per cent.
    Pinene, cymene, dipentene, and bornyl acetate are also present in
    the oil.
    Szturjja Gal&minthi (Cal&mintha nepeta).—-A number of oils have
    been described under this name, but in most cases the botanical source
    was not traced with certainty. A sample of absolute authenticity has
    been examined by Boure-Bertrand Fils,
    who reported on the oil as
    , follows: the plants yielded 014:26 per cent, of essential oil, and were
    grown in Sicily. The odour of the oil, which is brownish in colour, re-
    cills that of pennyroyal. The oil had the following characters:—
    Specific gravity at 15° G 0-9249
    Optical rotation + 17° 48'
    ,, „ of the acetylated oil.... + 9° 40'
    Acid value 1-4
    Coefficient of saponification 12-6
    Esters (as menthol acetate) 4-4 per cent.
    Coefficient of saponification of the acetylated oil.. 48
    Total alcohols (as menthol) 14-0 per cent.
    Soluble in 0'5 volume and over of 80 per cent, alcohol
    ,, „ 2 volumes of 75 per cent, alcohol, then slight opalescence
    „ , 3 ., „ 70 „ „ „ cloudy

(^1) Bericht, October, 1911, 108. * Bulletin, October, 1912, 68.

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