Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


Artemisia frigida, submitted in the fresh state to distillation with
steam, yields about 0*4 per cent, of a greenish oil with a cineol-like odour,
and having the following characters :—
Specific gravity 0-927 to 0-933
Optical rotation - 23
40' to - 25° 10'
Acid value ........ 1 to 4
Ester „,, 31 „ 45
„ „ (after acetylation) .... 139 „ 143
The dried herb gave on distillation a yield of only 0

  • 07 per cent, oil
    of a darker colour; d22o 0'930; acid number, 47; ester number, 40;
    saponification number, 44
    7. From the distillation-water of this second
    distillation an oil could still be obtained with petroleum ether, which
    was also darker than the oil from the fresh herb. Eabak^1 gives for the
    extracted oil d22o 0916; acid number 53 ; ester number 25; saponi-
    fication number 30'3. The oil has the following composition :—
    Free borneol ........ 35-8 per cent.
    Borneol combined as .heptoic ester .... 6-8 ,,
    Gineol (eucalyptol) 18 to 20 „
    Fenchone.8 ,, 10 „
    From the fresh herb of Artemisia leudoviciana 0

  • 38 per cent, greenish-
    yellow oil is obtained, having a strong aromatic odour. Its characters
    are as follows :—
    Specific gravity...... 0'924 to 0'926
    Optical rotation......- 13° to - 17° 20'
    Acid value........ 0 to 4-5
    Ester „.....10 „ 26
    „ „ (after acetylation).... 116
    The fresh.herb of Artemisia caudata yielded 024 per cent, yellow
    oil with a sweetish odour, which points to the presence of methyl
    chavicol or anethol. Its characters are as follows :—
    Specific gravity 0-842 to 0'920
    Optical rotation.0° to - 24° 20'
    Acid value 0 to 20
    Ester ,,,17 „ 73
    Artemisia arborescens yields about 0
    6 per cent, of a deep blue
    essential oil of specific gravity about 0946, acid value 98, and ester
    value 19*5. According to Jona
    it contains 13

  • 9 per cent, of alcohols,
    of which borneol and thujyl alcohol have been identified, and about 13
    per cent, of thujone. As constituents of the esters there were found
    formic, acetic, isovalerianic, pelargonic, palmitic, and stearic acids.
    Artemisia vulgaris yields an oil which has the following characters :—
    Specific gravity. 0-907 to 0*939

  • 8° „ - 19°
    1-4776 to 1-4855 (Indian oil
    1 to 2
    16 „ 103
    50 „ 206


Optical rotation.
Retractive index
Acid value.
Ester „.
„ „ (after acetylation)
The oil contains a-thujone.
Artemisia Dracunculus yields the well-known estragon or tarragon
oil. This is a pale yellowish-green oil of characteristic odour and taste
of the tarragon herb, and having the following characters :—
~ - • 0-900 to 0'946
**J UVV1I4U B^W T »»* J * t •
Optical rotationRefractive index.
Acid value ....
Ester „

+ 2°

. 1-5028



°, + 10°

„ 1-5138

„ 2

1 , 10

(^1) Pharm Review, 23 (1905), 86. *Ann. Chim. Appl., 1 (1914), ii. 63.

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