Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1



This oil is distilled from the root of the thistle Carlina acaulis,
indigenous to Central Europe. The yield is about 1*5 to 2 per cent.
It is a dark-coloured oil of aromatic taste and odour, having the follow-
ing characters :—
Specific gravity 1-030 to 1-040
Optical rotation - 3° „ - 8°
Refractive index 1-5560 „ 1-5700
Acid value 1. 2 ,, 3
Ester „ 4 „ 5
This oil has often been examined chemically, but a careful inspection
of the figures obtained shows that the results are not reliable.
The oil has been, however, carefully investigated by Semmler.^1 It
•contains about 15 per cent, of a monocyclic sesquiterpene, C15H24, boiling
at 140° at 20 mm., and of specific gravity 0*8733 and refractive index
T4920. An oxide, termed " Carlina oxide," C^H^O, of specific gravity
1*066 and refractive index 1*5860, forms the principal constituent of the
oil. It is a complex furane derivative of the constitution C 6 H 5. CH : C :
CH. (C 4 H 3 O). Semmler has also isolated a sesquiterpene C 15 H 24 which
he terms carlinene, and a crystalline solid body. Traces of palmitic acid
appear to be present.

The root of Aplotaxis Lappa, a plant indigenous to Eastern India,
yields about 1 per cent, of an oil with a characteristic odour recalling
that of orris or violets. This plant, named as above by Decaisne, is
identical with Aplotaxis auriculata (De Candolle), Aucklandia Costus
{Falconer), and Saussurea lappa (Clarke). It grows at elevations of
7000 to 12,000 ft. on the north-western Himalayas, being found freely
AS far east as Sikkim and as far west as Kashmir and Lahore. The oil
is of a light yellow colour, having the following characters:—

Specific gravity
Optical rotation.
Acid value ....
Ester „....
,, „ (after acetylation)

0-940 to 0-995 (rarely to 1-010)
+ 13° to + 25°
8 „ 25
55 „ 115
105 „ 162
It commences to boil at 275°, and about half distils over below 315°,
when decomposition takes place. On keeping, the oil develops an
unpleasant odour.
The oil has recently been exhaustively examined by Semmler and
who carried out their researches on an oil having the follow-
ing characters:—
Boiling-point at 11 mm from 60° to 215°
Specific gravity at 20° 0-985
Optical rotation + 15° 25'
Refractive index ........ 1-5216

From the fraction boiling at 200° to 210° at 11 mm. a lactone of the
formula C 15 H 2002 was obtained, which the authors have named costus
lactone. It boils at 205° to 211° at 13 mm., and has a specific gravity

(^1) Chem. Zeit., 13 (1883), 1158. (^2) B&richte, 47 (1914), 2433, 2687.

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