Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


According to Landsberg,^1 the oil contains pinene and an oxygenated
body of the formula C 10 H1 8 O. Eichter^2 has, more recently, examined
the oil and found present isobutyric and palmitic acids in the form of
esters, and formic and acetic acids in the free state.
From the laevo-rotatory portions of the saponified oil, which boiled
between 150° and 160°, Eichter isolated a fraction boiling at 158° to
166° (d 1 4o 0*8633; aDl5o - 8-45°) in which he proved the presence of
pinene by means of the nitrosochloride and the nitrolbenzylamine^
The latter body possessed the same melting-point as a preparation
obtained from ordinary d-pinene, from which fact Eichter concludes
that the pinene of oil of carrot seed is also d-pinene, an erroneous in-
ference, because, as is well known, d- and Z-pinene yield the same
inactive nitrolbenzylamine. Deussen^3 has since shown that pinene
is present in the laevo-rotatory form. In a fraction boiling at from
168° to 176° (duo 0-8624; aDl50 - 5'85°) he discovered Z-limonene,
which he identified from the nitrosochloride and the nitrolpiperidine
(melting-point 103° to 106°). The portions with a high boiling-point
contained a crystalline body C 15 H 26 O 2 , which Eichter calls daucol,
and which he regards as a divalent sesquiterpene alcohol- This body
forms white needle crystals with a silky lustre, melting-point 115° to
116°; [a]Dl4o - 17-15° 17-47°.
The oil obtained at the period of maturity of the seeds by distilla-
tion of the entire plant of the wild carrot of the Puy-de-D6me, has been
examined by Eoure-Bertrand Fils.
The oil had a bright green colour.
Its constants are:—
Specific gravity at 15° (JC 0'9016
Optical rotation - 6° 56'
Soluble in 1 volume of 80 per cent, alcohol, but an opalescence
is formed on the subsequent addition of alcohol.
Acid value 2*7
Saponification number 195*4
„ ,, of the acetylated oil.... 226*8
The green colour of the oil is to be attributed to the fact that the
distillation had been carried out in a copper still.
The saponification number indicated above was obtained by boiling
for one hour with semi-normal alcoholic potash; after boiling for half
an hour a value of only about 169 was found.

This oil is usually obtained by distilling the gum resin of Dorema
ammoniacum with water. Persian ammoniacum is derived from this
plant, but a certain amount of ammoniacum from other sources is derived
from Ferula species. The yield of oil is very small, usually about '3 per
cent. The oil has the following characters :—
Specific gravity 0885 to 0894
Optical rotation + 1° „ + 3°
Refractive index 1-4723 „ 14808
Acid value 1 „ 4
Ester , 40-5
„ „ (after acetylation) 106
It distils between 250° and 290°.
Arch. d. Pharm., 228 (1890), 85.
Ibid., 247 (1909), 391.

(^3) Berichte, 43 (1910), 523. ' Bulletin, April, 1912, 30.

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