Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


Government Department, 100 Ibs. of the leaves yielded 202 c.c. of a pale
yellow mobile oil. This has been examined in the laboratory of the
Imperial Institute and found to have the following characters:—
Specific gravity 0-8895
Optical rotation — 6°
Ester value 4-2
„ „ (after acetylation) 129-4
It is soluble in 2-5 volumes of 70 per cent, alcohol, becoming cloudy
with 6 volumes.
The principal constituent appears to be linalol, so that the oil has no
resemblance to ordinary pimento oil.


Cheken-leaf Oil is the product of distillation of the leaves of Myrtus
cheken, a plant indigenous to Chili. The yield is about 1 per cent, of a
pale yellowish-green oil, much resembling ordinary myrtle oil. Its odour
recalls that of myrtle, eucalyptus, and sage oils. According to Weiss,^1
its specific gravity is about

  • 880, and its optical rotation about + 20°; it
    consists of pinene (75 per cent.), cineol (15 per cent.), and substances not
    further examined.


Backhousia citriodora is a small tree indigenous to Queensland. The
leaves yield about 0*7 per cent, of essential oil which resembles lemon-
grass oil closely in odour. The oil has the following characters:—

Specific gravity 0-895 to 0'900
Optical rotation 0° to - 0° 30'
Refractive index 1-4860 to 1-4890
Citral value 93 to 96 per cent.
The oil probably contains small quantities of a sesquiterpene.


Mespilodaphne pretiosa is a South American tree, known as " Pris-
prioca ". It is a native of Eio Janeiro and Minas Geraes. The branches
yield 0'5 per cent, of an essential oil having an odour of cinnamon. It
has the following characters :—

Specific gravity
Optical rotation
Kefractive index
Esters ....
Total alcohols (as linalol)


+ 7° 25'


4-65 per cent.

The wood oil separates on distillation into a light and a heavy oil.
The light oil has a specific gravity 0953, optical rotation + 8° 48', and
refractive index 1
501. It contains 35 per cent, of esters calculated as
linalyl acetate, and 666 per cent, of total alcohols calculated as linalol.
The heavy oil has a specific gravity 1
055, optical rotation + 3° 8', and
refractive index 1*5450. It consists chiefly of linalyl or geranyl benzoate.

Arch, der Pharm., 226 (1888), 666.
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