Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


Elemicin is allyl-trimethoxy-3'4:-5-benzene. Bacon^1 has examined
numerous samples of the oil, and his results differ somewhat from those
of Clover, thus emphasising the variable character of the oil. He only
found two samples to contain <i-limonene out of sixty-two obtained from
the district of Calaoag, whilst six out of nine from Gumaca contained this
terpene. Bacon considers that /^-phellandrene is sometimes present in
the oil.
Semmler and Liao^2 have isolated the sesquiterpene alcohol of this oil
and find it to boil at 152° to 156° (at 17 mm.) and to have a specific gravity
0-9411 at 20°, optical rotation - 5°, and refractive index 1-5030. They
have termed this body elemol. It yields a sesquiterpene, elemene, on
An Elemi oil from Southern Nigeria has been found to contain much
phellandrene and to have a specific gravity 08686 and rotation + 50° 30'.
Uganda Elemi, from Canarium Schweinfurthii, yields about 11 per
cent, of essential oil of specific gravity 0-8451 and optical rotation + 79°
20'. It contains much phellandrene.
Mauritius Elemi, from Canarium Colophania, yields 16 per cent, of
essential oil of specific gravity 0
859, optical rotation + 3° 13', and re-
fractive index 1-4725.
Canarium villorum another Philippine variety of elemi, yields an oil
of specific gravity 0
8627, optical rotation + 11° 3', and refractive index
147245. It contains much ^-cymene, and the terpenes a-pinene and di-
Canarium micracarpum, from the Moluccas, is a very soft oleo-resin,
yielding about 80 per cent, of oil of specific gravity 0
920 to 0-930, and
optical rotation + 2° to - 52°.
Canarium euptoron is the principal species yielding " Lagam " balsam
in the Dutch Indies. The oil
has a specific gravity 0-905 to 0912,
optical rotation about - 8°, and refractive index 1
4972. It consists
chiefly of caryophyllene, with a little caryophyllene alcohol. Samples
distilled from a balsam of the same name, but obviously of different
origin, had specific gravities of 0-882 to 0

  • 883 at 26°.
    It is possible that Lagam balsam is not really the product of Canarium
    euptoron, but of a Dipterocarpus species.
    An oil from Cameroon Elemi
    has been found to have a specific
    gravity 0953, and is materially different from all other elemi oils ex-
    West Indian Elemi oil is distilled from Dacroydes hexandra, one of
    the Burseracese. The yield of oil is about 16 per cent., the oil having
    a specific gravity 0
    8875 and optical rotation - 13° 20'. More found
    a-pinene and Z-sylvestrene in the oil. The presence of the latter terpene
    has been confirmed by Schimmel & Co.^8


The linaloe oil of commerce is distilled in Mexico, and also in Europe,
from several species of Bursera, mainly from the wood, but also to some
Philip p. Jour. Sc., 4 (1909), 93.
3 Berichte, 49 (1916), 794.
5 Schimmel'8 Bericht, October (1907), 24. * Arch, der Pharm., 250 (1912), 199.
s Jaarb. dep. Land. Ned. Indii. (1909), 66, 81.
Pharm. Zeit., 58 (1913), 774.
8 Jour. Chem. Soc., 75 (1899), 718.
Report, April (1914), 51.
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