Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


Lavender, oil of English, 200, 201.
spike, 193, 204.
Lavendula Burmanni, 203.
— Delphinensis, 193.
— dentata, 202.
— fragans, 193.
— hybrida, 193.
— latifolia, 193.
— officinalis, 193.
— pedunculata, 203.
— spica, 193, 204.
— stoechas, 203.
— vera, 192.
Lebanon cedar, 4.
Ledene, 283.
Ledum camphor, 283.
— palustre, 283.
Leguminosee, 475.
Leioscyphus Taylori, 1.
Lemon oil, 413.
Spanish, 419.
terpeneless, 424.
Lemoncillo, 386.
Lemongrass, 63, 270.
— oil, 71, 72, 73.
Lenabatu grass, 62.
Leptosperum flavescens, 377.
— liversedgei, 377.
Levisticum officinale, 314.
Libanone, 4.
Librocedrus decurrens, oil of, 8.
Licari kanali, 148.
— guianesis, 148.
Lichenol, 1.
Liliacese, 92.
Limes, oil of, 439.
Limettin, 418.
Limoncello di Spagna, 439.
Linaloe oil, 272.
Cayenne, 146.
Mexican, 469.
seed oil, 475.
Linalol monoxide, 472.
Linalyl isobutyrate, 140.
Lindera benzoin, 282.
— sericea, 151.
Lippia citriodora, 270.
Liquidambar Formosana, 525.
— orientale, 525.
Litsea odorifera, 155.
Liverworts, oils of, 1.
Lodgepole pine, 58.
Longifolene, 30.
Lophanthus anisatus, 267.
— rugosus, 267.
Lovage, oil of, 314.

MACE, oil of, 172, 176.
Madotheca levigata, 1.
Magnoliacese, 508.
Magnolia Kobus, 508.
Maha pengiri grass, 62.
Malabar grass, 62.
Malvaceae, 532.
Mandarin orange oil, 427.

Marjolaine douce, 247.
— sauvage, 247.
Marjoram oil, 247, 248.
Cyprus, 248, 249.
Marsh tea, oil of, 283.
Massoia aromatica, 150.
Massoi bark oil, 150.
Masterwort, oil of, 326.
Mastic, oil of, 462.
Mastigobryum trilobatum, 1.
Matico camphor, 113.
— oil of, 113.
Matricaria chamomilla, 285.
— parthenium, 287.
Meadow sweet, oil of, 412.
Melaleuca bracteata, 381.
— cajuputi, 379.
— genistifolia, 381.
— gibbosa, 381.
— leucadendron, 378.
— linarifolia, 380.
— Maiden i, 380.
— minor, 378, 379.
— niaouli, 382.
— nodosa, 381.
— oils of, 378.
— pauciflora, 382.
— Smithii, 380.
— thymifolia, 380.
— trichostachya, 381.
— uncinata, 380.
— viridiflora, 382.
Melaleucol, 380.
Meliacese, 494.
Melissa officinalis, oil of, 255.
Mentha aquatica, 239.
—. arvensis, 212.
— canadensis, 212.
— longifolia, 237.
— micrantha, 242, 243.
— piperita, 212.
— pulegium, 242.
— silvestris, 340.
— spicata, 237.
— verticellata, 237.
— viridis, 237.
Menthene, 230.
Menthenone, 224.
Menthol, 225.
— determination of, 235.
Menthone, 225, 231, 243.
Menthyl-iso-valerianate, 220.
Meriandra benghalensis, oil of, 268.
— dianthera, oil of, 268.
Mespilodaphne pretiosa, 154, 389.
Methoxy-chavicol, 115, 152.
Methoxy-diphenyl ether, 94.
Methoxy-oxyphenyl-methyl-ketone, £32.
Methoxy-resorcylic acid, 273.
Methoxy-salicytic acid, 273.
Methyl-amino-methoxybenzoic ester, 533.
Methyl-amyl-carbinol, 335.
Methyl-anthranilate, 273, 276, 278, 418,
426, 435, 437, 486, 501, 511, 522.
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