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(Brent) #1
organ. Treating the ‘mother’
organ might provide a route
to improving the health of a
deficient ‘son’ organ. This is
more of a supportive role:
the heart is considered to
support the spleen, while
the spleen supports the
lungs, etc.

  • The kecycle implies a
    degree of control, as when
    water ‘controls’ fire. When
    an organ is weak it is
    unable to exert the control
    necessary to assist other
    organs. Thus, if the lungs
    are weak the liver may
    become too strong, leading to headaches or hypertension.

  • The cosmological cycle (or sequence) considers water to be the most
    important element. As water corresponds to the kidney it reflects the
    importance that Chinese prescribers place on this organ. It is viewed as
    the centre of all yin and yang energy in the body and its health is
    therefore vital.

The five phases are in a complex relationship with other important elements
of TCM as shown in Table 6.1.

124 | Traditional medicine

Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Seasons Spring Summer Late summer Autumn Winter
Environment Wind Heat Damp Dry Cold
Zang organs (yin) Liver Heart Spleen Lung Kidney
Fu organs (yang) Gallbladder Small intestine Stomach Large intestine Bladder
Directions East South Middle West North
Tastes Sour Bitter Sweet Pungent Salty
Senses Eye Tongue Mouth Nose Ear
Tissues Tendon Vessel Muscle Skin, hair Bone
Emotions Anger Joy Worry Grief Fear

Table 6.1Relationships of the five phases

Figure 6.3 Generating cycle.





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