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(Brent) #1

Ketsu corresponds to abnormality of blood such as abnormality of
microcirculation and deficiency or stagnancy of the bloodstream. It is
considered to be involved in the microadjustment of the body condition,
circulation and endocrine functions.
Suiis considered to concern immunological and defence functions, and
corresponds to the abnormality of water balance in the body. Compared
with western medicines, ki,ketsuand sui are considered to be concerned
partly with the neural, endocrine and immunological systems in the whole
body system (Figure 8.1).
In kampo medicines, the theory of ki,ketsuand sui is the basis of
assessing patients’ clinical conditions. It is known that particular kampo
formulae and their component herbs are able to normalise the abnormal
state of ki,ketsuand sui as kidrugs, kestudrugs and suidrugs (Table 8.1).

Practice of kampo medicine

Kampo medicines are commonly used to treat many disorders including the
following: hepatitis, menopausal disorders such as autonomic nervous and
hormonal manifestations, defective coordination between the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous systems, especially with respect to vasomotor
activities (a condition known as ‘autonomic imbalances’), bronchial asthma,
cold syndrome, digestive disorders, atopic dermatitis, eczema, hypersensi-
tivity to low temperatures, allergic rhinitis, general malaise, nephritis,
constipation, chronic rheumatism, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension,
psychogenic pharyngeal symptoms, weak constitution, dermatitis, chronic
bronchitis, diabetes, lumbago, neurosis, chronic paranasal sinusitis,
neuralgia, sterility, degenerative joint disease and psychosomatic disorders.

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Figure 8.1 Harmony of ki,ketsuand sui.

Neural system

Ki: vital energy

Ki drug
to modulate
of vital energy
and psycho-activity

Ketsu drug
to modulate
of bloodstream

Endocrine system Immune system
Circulatory system

Sui drug
to modulate water
balance and defense

Ketsu: blood Sui: body fluid
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