well liked. K believes that the
values of the person he admired
were probably Creativity and
Do you read any magazines I read skateboard magazines
regularly? Which ones? What do regularly and enjoy the pictures
you like about these magazines? in them the most. “The
Do you have any favorite Simpsons” is my favorite
TV programs? television program.
What do you like to do with your Skateboarding is my favorite
free time? What are your hobbies? hobby, although playing drums
What do you enjoy about these and video games are also
hobbies? pastimes. I enjoy these hobbies
because of the skill it takes to
do them.
Do you have a favorite saying I do not have a favorite saying or
or motto? Tell me a saying you motto. The only saying I remem-
remember hearing. ber is, “Don’t take any wooden
nickels.” (On the LVI, when
asked if he lived his life by a say-
ing or motto, K responded, “I
don’t live my life by silly sayings.”)
What are your favorite subjects in Math is my favorite subject
school? Why? What subjects do because I am good at it. I hate
you hate? Why? English because it was hard
for me to be creative and thus
writing is difficult.
Tell me the earliest recollections My earliest recollections were
you can remember happening in learning to ride a bike (I felt
your life. scared); going to pre-school (I
felt excited); learning to swim
with an instructor (I don’t re-
member an emotional reaction).
(From the LVI) My peak ex-
perience: graduating from high