Do you read any magazines I usually read In Style,which is
regularly? Which ones? What do very glamorous, and Newsweek,
you like about these magazines? which keeps me informed on
Do you have any favorite world events. I also read Fitness
TV programs? for Healthtips and ideas. I don’t
watch TV that much, but I like
the real-life shows like “Wedding
Story” and “Dating Story.”
What do you like to do with your I like to keep in touch with
free time? What are your hobbies? friends by calling or writing
What do you enjoy about these them. I’m really a very structured
hobbies? person, so I don’t necessarily
differentiate between meeting
someone for lunch and free time
because that is fun for me. I love
to listen to music and go to
concerts, so that is definitely a
hobby. I have a lot of admiration
for musicians, and it is also fun to
organize and plan for going out
with people who like the same
kind of music.
Do you have a favorite saying I love sayings and tidbits of
or motto? Tell me a saying you wisdom. I have a daily calendar
remember hearing? with sayings about friendship. I
love the saying, “Every cloud has
a silver lining.” The other day
my calendar had a good one:
“The only people you should get
even with are the ones who
helped you.”
What are your favorite subjects in In high school I always enjoyed
school? Why? What subjects do English classes because they were
you hate? Why? the ones that were most open to
individual thought. Although
I’m not always able to share my