Beginner's Programming Tutorial in QBasic

(Kiana) #1
b. Click Run...
c. Type the following (this loads MS-DOS):
command <Enter>
d. Enter the following in DOS:
cd c:\djgpp
unzip32 -n *.zip

  1. Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
    a. Go to the Start Menu
    b. Click Run...
    c. Type the following (you can "copy and paste" it):
    notepad c:\autoexec.bat
    d. Add the following lines to the end of the file (you can "copy and paste" this

e. Go to the File menu.
f. Click Save.
g. Close the program.

  1. Restart your computer.

  2. Run a program called RHIDE.EXE in the c:\djgpp\bin folder.

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