New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1
By Addy Osmani CHAPTER 6

abouT The auThoR

Addy Osmani is working on the Chrome team at Goo-
gle, building and advocating for tools to help improve
developer productivity and satisfaction. His personal
projects include TodoMVC, which helps developers
compare JavaScript MVC frameworks and AuraJS.
He’s also written Developing Backbone.js Applications
and Learning JavaScript Design Patterns.

abouT The RevieweR
Sindre Sorhus is passionate about creating things and
moving the Web forward. He is an eloquent JavaScript
developer and Open Source monomaniac from Norway,
and the creator of many Open Source projects and
Node.js modules. He is currently infatuated on fixing
front-end development with Yeoman, Bower, Grunt
a nd To d oM VC.

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