New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1

CHAPTER 9 The Next Steps for Web Typography

p {
hyphens: auto;
hyphenate-before: 2;
hyphenate-after: 3;
hyphenate-lines: 3;

CSS Text Level 4 Editor’s Draft from 2013^72 proposes the extension to
hyphenate-before and hyphenate-after in the form of a hyphenate-lim-
it-chars property which would take three values: the required minimum
for the total characters in a word; and the minimum number of characters
in a word before and after the hyphenation. The same draft renames the
hyphenate-lines property to hyphenate-limit-lines which at the time of
writing is supported in IE10 and Safari.
For now, the best results for the user are still achieved ither with manu-
al hyphenation. To manually hyphenate text, simply insert the soft hyphen
­ (or ­) wherever is convenient. If there’s a need for a word break,
the browser will insert the hyphen character. It works as advertised in all
modern browsers.

p { hyphens: manual; }

CoMbining PSeuDo-eleMenTS wiTh The ConTenT PRoPeRTY
I’m a big fan of combining pseudo-elements with the content property.^73
Even though they are not supported in older browsers, we can use them to
achieve a better control over hanging symbols, quotation marks and multi-
level numbering.

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