By Marko Dugonjić CHAPTER 9
Vladimir Simović goes a little further and explains how to apply automatic
numbering to headings^75 which is very useful for eBook publishing.
body { counter-reset: subhead1; }
h1:before {
content: counter(subhead1) " ";
counter-increment: subhead1;
h1 {
counter-reset: subhead2;
h2:before {
content: counter(subhead1) "." counter(subhead2) " ";
counter-increment: subhead2;
h2 {
counter-reset: subhead3;
h3:before {
content: counter(subhead1) "." counter(subhead2) "."
counter(subhead3) " ";
counter-increment: subhead3;
You never would have guessed! Typography can help with inaugurating
a document structure, too. Subheads provide the reader with a clue about
the content that follows; side- and footnotes provide us with additional
explanations of the key terms inside the text; and captions provide descrip-
tions for figures, data tables and graphs. All these elements form part of the
typographic hierarchy.