New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1
By Rachel Andrew CHAPTER 11

Next Actions for Future-Friendly Support
I’ve assembled a to-do list and some further reading on the themes in this

For the New Product or Service Just Exploring How to do Support

  1. Think about the type of support you will offer. Will it mostly be quick
    replies or will you need to give lengthy technical help? Where will
    requests come from: email, phone, social media, anywhere else?

  2. Think about who will be doing the support now and in the short to
    medium term. What would you need to do if the product or service
    became an overnight success? Can you put at least part of that infra-
    structure in place to begin with?

  3. Create a requirements list for support using my thoughts in the section
    on ‘Selecting a Helpdesk Product’.

  4. Use the information gathered above to research support solutions and
    create a shortlist of those that fit. These will be the solutions you can
    demo thoroughly before making a choice.

  5. Write up a document detailing what tone you want to use in support,
    and make sure everyone who does support can access it.

For the Established Business Wanting to Enhance Its Support Offering

  1. Make a list of the top five to ten issues that arrive in support.

  2. From that list, can you identify something that you could stop being a
    problem by some change to your product or service? If so, make that

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