New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1
By Nishant Kothary CHAPTER 12

must we be predictably fooled in areas where the brain provides no
specialized help? Like making financial decisions? Or, a little closer to
home, recognizing a great design as great?
Ariely’s research deals with discovering and documenting these
so-called illusions of the mind, more formally known as cognitive biases.
Anchoring is but one of hundreds of cognitive biases that exist in human
beings. Once you’ve read these findings, it becomes virtually impossible to
view the world, and yourself, the same way again. In one sense, it’s a relief
to have scientific explanations for some of life’s troubles. But in a different
sense, you are confronted with how much you don’t know about the world,
how much you take for granted, and how fallible we are as human beings.
Back on Project Redo, I was starting to get convinced of my own
fallibility in the situation. I sent the two designs for a blind vote to the
rest of my team adding no context other than, “Here are two options for
the design. Pick the one you like the most.” All five of my team members
voted for Dave’s design. The decision was clear to me even if I couldn’t
understand it. I was Adelson’s smirking revenge. I couldn’t see the squares
as the same color no matter how hard I tried, yet I knew they were the
same color. So, I made the call.
“We’re going to move forward with yours, Dave. Thanks for sticking
your neck out there,” I posted on Basecamp. Dave was elated. Three weeks
later we finished the website and it received much fanfare. It was a hit
with the community, was featured on several design showcases, and even
won a few prestigious awards. Dave maintains that it remains one of his
best portfolio pieces even today.
And for me, it remains an undying reminder of my own irrationality.

And... Scene
As I look back to my first true encounter with workplace dysfunction — my
episode with Prakash and team — I can’t help but wonder what I would
have done differently then had I the knowledge I have now.

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