New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1

CHAPTER 1 Modern CSS Architecture and Front-End Development

abouT The auThoR
Harry Roberts works as Consultant Front-end Architect.
He specialises in authoring and scaling massive front-
ends. He is the lead and sole developer of inuit.css, a
powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS frame-
work. Harry writes on the subjects of maintainability,
architecture, performance, OOCSS and more at csswiz- and tweets at @csswizardry.

abouT The RevieweR
Inayaili de León is Lead Web Designer at Canonical —
the company behind Ubuntu — where she focuses
on establishing and evangelizing the brands’ visual
direction online. She has established herself as an ad-
vocate of clean, semantic HTML and CSS. She blogs at and tweets at @yaili.

abouT The RevieweR
Jonathan Snook (@snookca) writes about Web design
and development. He speaks at conferences and blogs
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