New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1

CHAPTER 13 On Creative Spirit

Allow yourself the latitude to:

  1. Step away from the computer from time to time to prime the brain.

  2. Choose a conductor to orchestrate everything (and don’t be afraid to
    mix this role up from time to time).

  3. Encourage chance collisions between fertile minds, by creating spaces
    that allow for serendipitous meetings.

Adopt these three strategies and interweave them and you’ll find the rest
of the pieces fall into place. It’s easy — all it takes is a little hard work.

abouT The auThoR
Christopher Murphy is a writer, designer and educator
based in Belfast. Creative Review described him as,
“a William Morris for the digital age,” an epithet he
aspires to fulfil, daily. He writes for Five Simple Steps,
8 Faces, The Manual and the typography journal Glyph.
An internationally respected speaker, he is regularly
invited to talk on a range of topics, including: Design
Education; Exploring How Design is Changing; and
Growing Idea Cultures. He has spoken at conferences
worldwide, including: Build, New Adventures and at
Brooklyn Beta.
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