Science - USA (2021-12-17)

(Antfer) #1 SCIENCE


By Nico Eisenhauer1,2 and Alexandra Weigelt1,3


limate and biodiversity change in-
fluence carbon, water, and green-
house gas dynamics, thereby driving
the delicate balance of ecosystems
as carbon sinks or sources ( 1 , 2 ). On
page 1514 of this issue, Werner et al.
( 3 ) show how highly controlled and large-
scale Earth science facilities can reveal the
plant physiological processes, the role of
plant-soil-atmosphere interactions, and the
dynamics of greenhouse gases and volatiles
that underlie tropical forest responses to
drought. Specifically, they used an enclosed
experimental rainforest in the Biosphere 2
facility in Oracle, Arizona ( 4 ) to explore how
drought influences carbon and water fluxes
as well as soil-plant-atmosphere interac-
tions by tracing isotopically labeled^13 CO 2
and deep-water^2 H 2 O, and volatile organic
compounds related to drought stress. The
forest ecosystem displayed highly diverse
drought responses within and among spe-
cies throughout increasing drought and re-
covery phases, reflecting differences in func-

tional plant traits, drought adaptations, and
microclimatic conditions.
Werner et al. observed that drought-tol-
erant and drought-sensitive tree species dif-
fered substantially in how they contributed
to carbon and water fluxes over the course of
the drought and rewetting periods (see the
figure). Drought-sensitive species were the
largest contributors before and after drought,
whereas the importance of drought-tolerant
species increased under severe drought.
These results suggest that different hydrau-
lic strategies are used by distinct plant func-
tional groups and that their changing pro-
portional contributions determine overall
ecosystem fluxes and plant-soil-atmosphere
interactions ( 5 ). These findings further point
to a key role of plant hydrological traits,
which may determine forest responses to
climate extremes ( 6 ), and to the effects of
tree diversity on ecosystem functioning, as
found in subtropical China ( 7 ). Given the
importance of belowground processes and
intimate plant-soil interactions, future work
should consider above-belowground trait
syndromes (i.e., associations between leaf
and root traits) ( 8 ), because root traits are
critical in carbon and water fluxes and pro-
vide a predictive framework for plants and
their environment in a changing world ( 8 ).
Werner et al. also report that drought ef-
fects cascaded through all forest strata and

changed over time. Atmospheric drought was
followed by overstory responses that propa-
gated to the understory and to the soil, from
top layers to deeper layers during late and
severe drought. The authors also observed
decreases in evapotranspiration, ecosystem
respiration, and gross primary productivity.
At the same time, the concentrations, dynam-
ics, and composition of atmospheric vola-
tiles changed substantially during drought.
During predrought conditions, the soil ab-
sorbed volatiles produced by the canopy,
but it did not function as a strong volatile
sink during severe drought. As drought pro-
gressed, several volatiles characteristic for
drought stress of trees were released into the
atmosphere. These findings stress that there
are critical thresholds of soils to buffer the
consequences of drought and underline cli-
mate change effects on plant-soil feedbacks
( 9 ). Moreover, these insights show that the
composition of volatiles can be a powerful
stress indicator as well as an important feed-
back mechanism to climate change. For ex-
ample, isoprene production (a volatile liquid
hydrocarbon synthesized by plants) indicated
the onset of reductions in evapotranspira-
tion and gross primary productivity, whereas
production of the organic volatile hexanal
denoted their final decline under severe
drought and was related to leaf senescence.
Drought-induced release of volatile organic
compounds and particles may contribute to
producing nuclei for cloud formation and
precipitation, potentially influencing the hy-
drological cycle in tropical rainforests ( 10 ).
Moreover, Werner et al. observed pronounced
legacy effects even after several months of re-
wetting after the drought, which were caused
by persistent structural changes in drought-
sensitive species (such as a loss of hydraulic
conductivity and leaves). This indicates the
potential problem of recurrent droughts in
consecutive years and may also be related to
changes in plant-soil interactions ( 11 ).
The Werner et al. study exemplifies the
potential of highly controlled enclosed fa-
cilities to explore the consequences of envi-
ronmental change and unravel insights into
the underlying mechanisms. Such facilities,
including the so-called Ecotrons, enable the
simulation of a wide range of environmental
conditions in replicated experimental units
and the comprehensive assessment of ecosys-
tem processes ( 12 ). Mechanistic experiments
on physiological responses of organisms can
improve our process-based understanding of
reciprocal effects of climate change and eco-
logical communities ( 1 ). Moreover, they en-

Biosphere 2 is a large-scale, fully enclosed Earth science
facility in Arizona, USA, that harbors a well-structured
tropical forest ecosystem with a large number
of different woody and herbaceous plant species.

(^1) German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig, Germany.
(^2) Institute of Biology, Leipzig University, Puschstraße 4,
04103 Leipzig, Germany.^3 Institute of Biology, Leipzig
University, Johannisallee 21, 04103 Leipzig, Germany.
Email: [email protected]
Ecosystem effects of
environmental extremes
A large-scale experimental facility
reveals tropical rainforest responses to drought
1442 17 DECEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6574

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