Science - USA (2021-12-17)

(Antfer) #1

By Erik Keimpema^1 , Vincenzo Di Marzo2,3,
Tibor Harkany1,4


ince its first mention ~4000 BCE,
Cannabis sativa has evolved through
selective cultivation from being a
source of durable fiber (hemp) to a
plant enriched in bioactive ingredi-
ents. Currently, >100 potentially bio-
active phytocannabinoids from Cannabis
spp. have been cataloged, yet their precise
structure-function relationships are mostly
unclear ( 1 ). D^9 -Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
and cannabidiol (CBD) are primarily studied,
particularly because high-grade Cannabis
subspecies can produce over 20% yield of
either compound. The variety of bioactive
constituents in C. sativa, together with their
defined ratios, suggests that they have poten-
tial application in many illnesses ( 1 ). Possibly
due to many phytocannabinoids producing
similar pharmacological effects through dif-
ferent mechanisms, selecting which to study
for a disease remains a formidable challenge.
THC action in humans is dependent on the
CB 1 cannabinoid receptor (CB 1 R) ( 2 ), which
is the most abundant G protein–coupled
receptor (GPCR) in the brain, as well as its
ortholog, CB 2 R. When activated, CB 1 R in the
plasma membrane signals through G(i/o) pro-
teins to inhibit either Gai-mediated SRC–sig-
nal transducer and activator of transcription
(STAT) or Gbg-mediated adenylyl cyclase,
AKT, or extracellular signal–regulated kinase
(ERK) cascades. For excitable cells, such as
neurons, activated CB 1 R inhibits Ca2+ influx
through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, thus re-
ducing neurotransmitter release.
Although most studies focus on THC be-
cause of its psychostimulant effects, CBD is
another abundant (up to 40 to 50% of total
phytocannabinoid content) and yet non-
psychotropic Cannabis component. CBD
is thought to have anti-inflammatory and
tissue-protective effects. This is because CBD
action is putatively mediated by more than
one receptor, including transient receptor
potential cation channel V1 (TRPV1), GPCR

55 (GPR55), and peroxisome proliferator-
activated receptor–g (PPARg). Additionally,
CBD enhances antioxidant cellular de-
fenses by scavenging hydroxyl radicals and
can counteract THC action intracellularly,
through CB 1 Rs on mitochondrial membranes
( 3 ). Indeed, CBD opposes the THC-induced
disruption of oxidative phosphorylation, at
the level of complex I ( 3 ), thereby protecting
from the deleterious consequences of THC-
induced reduction in cellular respiration.
Notably, these potential cellular and molecu-
lar sites of action are not limited to the brain
but apply to, e.g., pancreas, muscle, liver, and
gut—suggesting that cannabinoids may have
applications in diverse settings.
It is important to recognize that C. sativa
is more than just THC and CBD. Many phy-
tocannabinoids that exist in lesser amounts
(e.g., cannabivarin, cannabigerol, and THC
acid) ( 4 ) in plant preparations could indi-
vidually be biologically powerful and even
supersede or modify THC and/or CBD ac-
tion. Thus, the continued structure-function
study of phytocannabinoids is warranted.
Accordingly, combinations of phytocannabi-
noids might deliver relief to disorders with
complex etiology ( 1 ).
Receptor-mediated actions of phytocan-
nabinoids, particularly THC, center on dis-
placing high-affinity endocannabinoids,
innate ligands that bind CB 1 R, CB 2 R, and al-
ternative receptors including TRPV1, GPR55,
and PPARg. Two such molecules, 2-arachi-
donoylglycerol (2-AG) and arachidonoyl-
ethanolamide (anandamide), with their re-
spective biosynthetic and catabolic enzyme
machineries, form the molecular backbone
of the endocannabinoid system (5, 6). 2-AG
and anandamide are functionally redundant.
Yet, endocannabinoid signaling can adopt
cell-type–specific configurations to support
cell-autonomous (e.g., self-inhibition in neu-
rons), intercellular (e.g., metabolic interplay),
and intracellular (e.g., cellular respiration
through CB 1 R on mitochondria) signaling
in the brain and in peripheral tissues. Such
functional flexibility is made possible by the
different half-lives (minutes versus hours)
and tissue distributions of 2-AG and anan-
damide, together with the diversity of avail-
able receptors. These arrangements allow for
systemic actions of endocannabinoids and
their modulation by THC and CBD ( 1 ).
An expanding catalog of endocannabinoid-
like molecules are being recognized for their

modulation of TRP channels, PPARs, and or-
phan GPCRs. This “endocannabinoidome” of-
fers a more comprehensive physiological sub-
strate for phytocannabinoid action than the
core endocannabinoid system. Moreover, the
array of endogenous CB 1 R and CB 2 R ligands
now includes allosteric modulators derived
from steroids and hemoglobin fragments,
which can antagonize THC intoxication ( 7 )
and reduce neuropathic pain ( 8 ), respectively.
Functional interrogation of 2-AG action
on CB 1 Rs in the brain revealed that endocan-
nabinoids modulate synaptic plasticity by
limiting Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter
release ( 9 ). This mechanism relies on CB 1 Rs
partitioned at presynaptic termini with endo-
cannabinoid ligand production in postsynap-
tic neurons. Because endocannabinoids are
eicosanoid lipids that travel by nonvesicular
diffusion, their activity-dependent produc-
tion and fast degradation ensure phasic avail-
ability and short-lived action. Accordingly,
neuropsychiatric effects of THC-containing
Cannabis preparations (e.g., euphoria, hypo-
motility, and amnesia) occur through CB 1 R
hyperactivity at the plasma membrane and
intracellularly, which disrupts temporal pre-
cision and prolongs endocannabinoid-depen-
dent synaptic inhibition. In the adult brain,
the near-complete recovery of endocannabi-
noid action (and reinstatement of synaptic
neurotransmission) may take hours to weeks
after THC consumption. Yet, given that only
a small fraction of first-time consumption
progresses to chronic heavy use, Cannabis is
classified as moderately addictive in adults.
A prominent clinical niche being explored
for cannabinoid medicines is treatment-
resistant epilepsy ( 10 ). Phytocannabinoids
that trigger CB 1 R-mediated signaling at glu-
tamatergic synapses dampen neuronal hy-
perexcitability in epileptic foci in rodents and
humans. Repeated epileptic seizures provoke
neurodegeneration in, e.g., the hippocampus.
Therefore, although still speculative, rescu-
ing neurons from oxidative damage and mi-
tochondrial dysfunction by, e.g., CBD, could
partly underpin the substantial reduction in
seizure frequency seen in clinical trials ( 10 ).
Phytocannabinoids may also have appli-
cations in diseases associated with aging.
This is largely because aging tissues contain
increased amounts of immune cells, which
remove cellular debris or extracellular (pro-
teinaceous) deposits. THC-induced activation
of CB 2 Rs during aging may offer relief in neu-


B iological basis of cannabinoid medicines

Mechanistic insights into cannabinoid signaling could improve therapeutic applications

(^1) Department of Molecular Neurosciences, Center for Brain
Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
(^2) Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche, Pozzuoli, Italy.^3 Institut Universitaire de
Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec and Institut sur
la Nutrition et les Aliments Fonctionnels-Centre NUTRISS,
Université Laval, Québec, Canada.^4 Department of
Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden.
Email: [email protected]
17 DECEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6574 1449

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