Science - USA (2021-12-17)

(Antfer) #1

We thank Y. Yang, B. Zhang, Y. Gao, Y. Li, M. Gao, K. Wang,
D. Lin, L. Zhou, and L. Jiang for clinical sample collection
and F. Wang and X. Zhang for assistance with fluorescence-
activated cell sorting (FACS). We thank the Computing
Platform of the Center for Life Science and the National Center
for Protein Sciences Beijing (Peking University).Funding:This
project was supported by the Beijing Advanced Innovation
Centre for Genomics at Peking University, the Beijing Municipal
Science and Technology Commission (Z201100005320014),
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81988101,
91959000, 91942307, and 31991171), the Beijing Natural
Science Foundation (7182075), Capital’sFundsforHealth
Improvement and Research (2020-4-40916), and the
Beijing Natural Science Foundation (7204327). W.S. was
supported in part by the Postdoctoral Fellowship of

Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences.Author
contributions:Conceptualization: Z.Z., J.J., X.H., Z.B., and
L.Z. Resources: A.W., X.W., J.Z., B.X., N.W., N.Z., H.Z., H.O.,
K.C., Z.B., and J.J. Methodology: Z.Z., X.H., L.Z., S.Q., W.S.,
and X.R. Investigation: R.G. and L.W. Formal analysis, L.Z.
and S.Q. Writing, original draft: L.Z., S.Q., W.S., X.H., and Z.Z.
Writing, review and editing: L.Z., S.Q., W.S., X.H., and Z.Z.
Competing interests:Z.Z. is a founder of Analytical
BioSciences and is a consultant for InnoCare Pharma and
ArsenalBio.Data and materials availability:The data
presented in this manuscript are tabulated in the
supplementary materials. Sequencing data are available at
Genome Sequence Archive (accession no. PRJCA001702),
and processed gene expression data are deposited in
Gene Expression Omnibus (accession no. GSE156728)
and can be accessed through an online data browser

( All codes used for
analysis are available from the Zenodo repository ( 48 ).

Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S39
References ( 49 – 65 )
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Tables S1 to S4

4 September 2020; resubmitted 17 May 2021
Accepted 26 October 2021

Zhenget al.,Science 374 , eabe6474 (2021) 17 December 2021 11 of 11


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