Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Further Reflections on Theism 221

6 Further Reflections on Theism for the Second Edition

J.J. Haldane

1 Preliminary

In rereading our original debate, my attention has been focused by the many
reviews of it and by other texts in which authors touch on aspects of what we
then wrote.^1 The exercise has been instructive: revealing inadequacies, but
also indicating what seemed to others to be of genuine interest; suggesting
ways in which it might be useful to carry the discussion forward; and provid-
ing an insight into the condition of contemporary philosophical interest in
religion. On one occasion Smart and I took to a platform (in Melbourne) to
continue our debate before a large audience; that also produced spirited
and interesting responses. I am pleased, therefore, to have this opportunity to
thank those who took time to consider our exchange and, metaphorically or
literally, raise points from the floor. In what follows, some of those issues will
be addressed, though it is neither possible nor in the interests of advancing
discussion to consider them all in the detail they deserve. The impossibility is
for reasons of space, and that limitation also bears upon the second point, for
as well as addressing questions and criticisms I wish to take this occasion to
introduce new material, adding to the cumulative case, as I see it, for theism.

2 Philosophy and Religion, and Philosophy of Religion

The idea and style of the ‘Great Debates’ series differ from those of intro-
ductory texts or surveys of recent work in various fields. These features were
attractions to us when we were invited to set out our stalls on behalf of

Atheism and Theism, Second Edition
J.J.C. Smart, J.J. Haldane
Copyright © J.J.C. Smart and J.J. Haldane, 1996, 2003
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