Fennema, O.R. (ed.) (1985) Food Chemistry, 2nd edn, Marcel Dekker, New York.
Holland, B., Welch, A.A., Unwin, I.D. et a/. (1991) McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition
of Foods, 5th edn, Royal Society of Chemistry and Ministery of Agriculture, Fisheries and
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Kinsella, J.E. and Fox P.F. (1986) Water sorption by proteins: Milk and whey proteins. CRC
Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 24, 91-139.
Marcos, A. (1993) Water activity in cheese in relation to composition, stability and safety, in
Cheese: Chemistrj, Physics and Microbiology, Vol. 1, 2nd edn (ed. P.F. Fox), Chapman &
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Roos, Y. (1997) Water in milk products, in Advanced Dairy Chemistry, Vol. 3: Lactose, Water,
Salts and Vitamins (ed. P.F. Fox), Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 306-46.
Suggested reading
Fennerna, O.R. (ed.) (1985) Food Chemistry, 2nd edn, Marcel Dekker, New York.
Rockland, L.B. and Beuchat, L.R. (eds) (1987) Water Activify: Theory and Applicarions to Food,
Roos. Y. (1997) Water in milk products, in Advanced Dairy Chemistry, Vol. 3: Lactose, Wafer,
Marcel Dekker, New York.
Salts and Vitamins (ed. P.F. Fox), Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 306-46.