Dairy Chemistry And Biochemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

of milk protein, principally by oxidizing methionine, it is used as a milk
preservative, especially in warm countries lacking refrigeration, and is
permitted in the US for treatment of cheesemilk. Excess H,02 may be
reduced following treatment by soluble exogenous catalase (from beef liver,
Aspergillus niger or Micrococcus lysodeiktieus). Immobilized catalase has
been investigated for this purpose but the immobilized enzyme is rather
As discussed in section 8.3.7, catalase is frequently used together with
glucose oxidase in many of the food applications of the latter; however, the
principal potential application of glucose oxidase in dairy technology is for
the in situ production of H,O,, for which the presence of catalase is
obviously undesirable.

8.3.7 Glucose oxidase
Glucose oxidase (GO) catalyses the oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid
(via gluconic acid-&lactone) according to the following reaction:

+ Gluconic acid-d-lactone + FADH,
Glucose oxidase (GO)
FAD, 02 / I

Gluconic acid

O2 1 Go
FAD + H,Oz


H20 + %02

The H,02 formed is normally reduced by catalase present as a contaminant
in commercial GO preparations (from P. notatum, P. glaucurn or A. niger)
or added separately. Glucose oxidase, which has a pH optimum of about
5.5, is highly specific for D-glucose and may be used to assay specifically for
D-glucose in the presence of other sugars.
In the food industry, glucose oxidase has four principal applications:

  1. Removal of residual trace levels of glucose. This application, which is
    particularly useful for the treatment of egg white prior to dehydration
    (although alternative procedures using yeast fermentation are used more
    commonly), is of little, if any, significance in dairy technology.

  2. Removal of trace levels of oxygen. Traces of oxygen in wines and fruit
    juices cause discolouration and/or oxidation of ascorbic acid. Chemical

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