0 I0 2LI 30 40 SO 60 70 XO 90 1(X) 110 120
Lactulose concentration (mg 100 m1-l)
Figure 2.19 Concentration of lactulose in heated milk products (modified from Andrews, 1989).
Oral intake
- Non-absorption to large intestine and migration Not carogenic
Utilization by Bi@iobacterium
and increme In bifldobacteria
Favourable change of
, intestinal microflora
Production of organic acids
I 1 I and lowering of intestinal pH 1
Ensuring intes- Lessening burdens
tinal function to hepatic function
Suppression of
inlestinal putrefactive bacteria
Suppression of production of
harmful subsun&
Viumin synthesis
Stimulation of
immune response
Figure 2.20 Significance of lactulose in health (modified from Tamura et al., 1993).