Summary: McDermott, et al.
matter, to understand not only what we know but also on what
evidence and through which lines of reasoning we have come
to this knowledge.
Although our decision to create a combined course for
several populations was initially motivated to increase enroll-
ment, other advantages became apparent. All of the prospec-
tive teachers benefi ted from the unusual class composition.
The elementary school teachers developed skill in propor-
tional reasoning and in ability to apply simple geometry,
trigonometry, and even vector algebra. Teachers at all levels
demonstrated substantial growth in logical reasoning and in
the use and interpretation of graphical representations. After
a year of learning by inquiry, the elementary school teach-
ers had acquired suffi cient self-confi dence to help wean their
secondary school classmates from dependence on memorized
formulas and textbooks. The elementary school teachers
quickly became aware of their own greater skill in inquiry-ori-
ented learning and were not intimidated about asking for help.
They were willing to accept, however, only a certain type of
assistance. Some would say “Don’t just tell me the answer, I
want help in fi nding out for myself.” Such statements helped
the high school teachers recognize the value of independent
learning and encouraged them to refl ect on their own intel-
lectual development.
K-12 TEACHERS (1974-2006)
In the 1990s, the student population in the combined course
gradually changed. It began to include physics graduate stu-
dents with a strong interest in teaching. The preservice course
for elementary school teachers was discontinued. Thus there
were no graduates of that course to take the combined course.
We continued to offer the NSF Inservice Summer Institutes
for teachers from elementary through high school, as well
as an academic-year Continuation Course open to all former
participants in any of our courses for teachers.
The present version of Physics by Inquiry (PbI) is the result
of a long iterative process. Not intended to be read like a text,
PbI consists of laboratory-based modules that contain care-
fully structured experiments, exercises, and questions that
require active intellectual involvement. The equipment is
simple and can be reproduced in K-12 classrooms. The stu-
dents collaborate in small groups as they work through the
PbI modules. Experiments and exercises provide the basis on
which they construct physical concepts and develop scientifi c
reasoning and representational skills. The role of the instruc-
tor is not to present information and answer questions but to
engage students in dialogues that help them fi nd their own
answers. Expressly designed for use with teachers, PbI has
also worked well with other populations.
PbI provides the opportunity to learn (or re-learn) physics
in a way consistent with how teachers are expected to teach. It
is characterized by four general principles:
- Concepts, reasoning ability, and representational skills
are developed together within a coherent body of subject
matter. - Physics is taught as a process of inquiry, not as an inert
body of information. - The ability to make connections between the formalism of
physics and real world phenomena is expressly developed.- Certain common conceptual and reasoning dif fi culties that
students encounter in physics are expressly addressed.
- Certain common conceptual and reasoning dif fi culties that
Implementation in PbI of the fourth principle required sys-
tematic research to determine not only what students could or
could not do but also whether the instructional strategies we
developed were effective. Daily interactions with individual
students in the combined course suggested that systematic
questioning would be fruitful for probing student thinking
in depth. During the early days of the combined course, we
also began trying to identify the conceptual and reasoning
diffi culties that physics presents to underprepared students
who aspire to careers in science, mathematics, and medicine.
In 1973, the year before the paper on the combined physics
course was published, our group began exploring student
understanding in physics by conducting individual demon-
stration interviews.^5 The students involved were enrolled in
the courses for K-12 teachers, special courses with similar
content that we offered for under-prepared students, and the
standard large introductory physics courses. In 1980–1981
the American Journal of Physics published two papers that
reported on some of this early research.^6
During the 1990s we began to administer pretests and post-
tests to large numbers of students from the introductory to the
graduate level. We identifi ed many similar intellectual hurdles
with basic physics in all of these populations and often found
that similar instructional strategies worked well. Teachers
who might not have a particular diffi culty themselves would
certainly have students who did. Therefore, a well-prepared
teacher of physics or physical science should have acquired,
in addition to a strong command of the subject matter, both
knowledge of the challenges that it presents to students and
familiarity with instructional strategies most likely to be
effective. As the combined course evolved and as the devel-
opment of PbI progressed, the prospective teachers in our
classes gained this experience.
The other two papers on teacher preparation reprinted here
were published in 1990 and 2006, respectively, long after
the paper on the combined course. Together they describe
the need for in-depth preparation of teachers in physics and
comment on how we determine through research whether the
instructional strategies that we develop are effective.
The 1990 paper begins by summarizing the history of K-12
science education in the U.S. and describes the ongoing lack
of appropriate preparation for teachers at all levels of instruc-
tion. A strong case is made for physics departments to offer
special courses for both preservice and inservice teachers.
The 2006 paper supports these recommendations by illustrat-
ing the mismatch between standard topics in the K-12 cur-
riculum and the physics knowledge of many teachers. The
following examples are in the context of balancing, kinemat-
ics (acceleration), electric circuits, dynamics, and geometri-
cal optics.
Elementary school curricula often include a unit on bal-
ancing. About 50 elementary school teachers (many of
whom had taught this topic) were shown a diagram of a
baseball bat balanced on a fi nger placed closer to the wide
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