physics majors but also for all physics courses that fre-
quently fail to include opportunities for students to connect
their own sense-making about the central principles covered
in the course with the physical phenomena from which these
principles were derived. We presented some data to support
claims about the efficacy of curricula, and we continue to
study the impacts of the PET and PSET curricula in both
small- and large-enrollment settings.^40
The authors would like to thank the instructors who field-
tested PET for their helpful feedback. The authors would
also like to thank one of the anonymous reviewers, who
made substantive suggestions for improving the evaluation
section of this paper. The development of PETand PSET
was supported by National Science Foundation under Grant
No. 0096856.
aElectronic mail: [email protected]
bElectronic mail: [email protected]
cElectronic mail: [email protected]
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The benchmark also includes this sentence: “If the force acts toward a
single center, the object’s path may curve into an orbit around the center.”
Although we include in the curriculum a homework assignment that deals
with nonlinear motion, the main focus of Chap. 2 is on motion in one
(^31) M. McCloskey, inMental Models, edited by D. Gentner and A. L.
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(^33) The PET developers decided to focus only on speed-time graphs rather
than distance-time, velocity-time, and/or acceleration-time graphs be-
cause the evidence gathered from speed-time graphs would be sufficient
to support the target ideas for the chapter. Also, the Newton’s second law
benchmark, around which the chapter was developed, focuses on change
in speed, not change in velocity.
(^34) The version of PET that the students in the case study used was an earlier
draft of the published version of PET. However, the substance of Chap. 2,
Act. 1, that the students used was very similar to the final version that
was published.
(^35) There is no evidence in the full transcript as to why Ashlie ultimately
agreed with Amara, although it is possible that she remembered this idea
from a previous physics course. She did not bring up this idea in her
discussions with the other two members of the group.
(^36) The question showed images of the four students whose ideas are de-
scribed. We omitted the images to save space.
(^37) The average normalized gain is defined as the ratio of the actual average
gain%post−%preto the maximum possible average gain 100
−%preRef. 23 .
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