Teacher Education in Physics

(Michael S) #1


  1. A. You will be given a plastic container or beaker deep enough to submerge a soda can that
    does not have a graduated scale of volume markings (as did the graduated cylinder used to
    measure the volume of the rectangular blocks in Activity 1.4.1). With your partners, devise an
    experiment to determine the density of a full, unopened soft drink can. Write down your plan and
    specifically include details of how you would determine the volume of the can using the
    unmarked container provided. Before executing the plan, discuss it with your instructor.

B. Once you get the go ahead from your instructor, execute your plan to measure the density of the soft
drink can. Enter your group’s value for the density of the soda can into the table below. You will be
asked to share your group result for the density with the class by writing your result on the board.
When the data for all groups is on the board, copy the class results into the following table:

Class Data for the Density of a Soft Drink Can

Group Type of Soda
(Diet or Regular)

Mass Volume Density


C. Do you think that there should be a difference between the density of diet soda compared to that of
regular soda? Why, or why not?

D. (i) Compute the average density of the regular soft drinks using the data in the table in part B
and, separately, compute the average density of the diet drinks.

(ii) Was your prediction in part C confirmed, i.e., is there a difference between the density of
diet soda compared to that of regular soda?
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