New Scientist - USA (2021-12-18)

(Maropa) #1


50 Monkeys on the high seas
Fresh clues could show us if
animals once sailed the ocean

53 How the Milky Way formed
Intricate star patterns are
revealing the collisions that
shaped our galaxy

56 A whiff of ancient whales
Ambergris isn’t just an ingredient
in luxury perfumes

58 A unified theory
of snowflakes
Kenneth Libbrecht on why
snowflakes come in two types

60 The secret life of cheese
We are finally getting to
know the microbes inside
every block

62 How to trick a Eurasian jay
If a magic trick can fool a bird and
other animals, what does it tell us
about their minds?

65 Trouble brewing
Climate change is shaking
up the hops in our beer

68 Strange but true?
Test your knowledge of science’s
weirder side

Review of
the year

22 Billions of vaccinations
Several countries are on their
third round of jabs – while
others are missing out

23 DeepMind folds proteins
AI researcher Pushmeet
Kohli on the quest to
probe biology

26 Three missions to Mars
The ongoing exploration of
the Red Planet

29 Climate action, finally?
It may take a decade to see
the full impact of COP


8 Coronavirus variants
With omicron taking hold,
can we prevent further

9 Deep-sea mining
Fears ocean exploitation
will harm ecosystems

10 Space cow
An explosion nicknamed
“the Cow” is probably a
failed supernova

58 Strange beauty A masterly theory explains how snowflakes grow



Vol 252 No 3365/
Cover image: Brett Ryder

Welcome, dear readers, to this bumper edition of the
magazine, packed full of puzzles, snowflakes, animal
magic and many other treats. We do hope you enjoy it.
This has been a long pandemic and it isn’t going to
be over any time soon. But on behalf of everyone at
New Scientist, I do wish you a wonderful holiday season
and a happy (and healthy) new year.
Science has played a blinder over the past two years.
Here’s to more of the same in 2022!

Emily Wilson
New Scientist editor

18/25 December 2021 | New Scientist | 1



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