Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1

  1. Determine the second moment of area
    and radius of gyration for the trian-
    gle shown in Figure 7.20 about (a) axis
    DD(b) axisEEand (c) an axis through
    the centroid of the triangle parallel to
    axisDD ⎡

(a) 729 mm^4 ,3.67mm
(b) 2187 mm^4 ,6.36mm
(c) 243 mm^4 ,2.l2mm


12.0 cm

9.0 cm

Figure 7.20

  1. For the circle shown in Figure 7.21,
    find the second moment of area and
    radius of gyration about (a) axisFFand
    (b) axisHH
    (a) 201 cm^4 , 2.0 cm
    (b) 1005 cm^4 ,4.47cm


Figure 7.21

  1. For the semicircle shown in Figure 7.22,
    find the second moment of area and
    radius of gyration about axisJJ
    [3927 mm^4 , 5.0 mm]

Figure 7.22

  1. For each of the areas shown in
    Figure 7.23 determine the second mo-
    ment of area and radius of gyration
    about axisLL, by using the parallel axis
    theorem. ⎡

(a) 335 cm^4 ,4.73cm
(b) 22030 cm^4 , 14.3 cm
(c) 628 cm^4 ,7.07cm


5.0 cm

3.0 cm

2.0 cm 10 cm
(a) (b) (c)

15 cm 15 cm

18 cm 5.0 cm

Dia = 4.0 cm

Figure 7.23

  1. Calculate the radius of gyration of a
    rectangular door 2.0 m high by 1.5 m
    wide about a vertical axis through its
    hinge. [0.866 m]

  2. A circular door of a boiler is hinged
    so that it turns about a tangent. If its
    diameter is 1.0 m, determine its second
    moment of area and radius of gyration
    about the hinge. [0.245 m^4 , 0.559 m]

  3. A circular cover, centre 0, has a radius
    of 12.0 cm. A hole of radius 4.0 cm and
    centreX,whereOX= 6 .0 cm, is cut in
    the cover. Determine the second moment
    of area and the radius of gyration of the
    remainder about a diameter through 0
    perpendicular toOX.
    [14280 cm^4 ,5.96cm]

  4. For the sections shown in Figure 7.24,
    find the second moment of area and the
    radius of gyration about axisXX
    (a) 12190 mm^4 , 10.9 mm
    (b) 549.5 cm^4 ,4.18cm


18.0 mm
3.0 mm
12.0 mm
X 4.0 mm X

6.0 cm

2.5 cm 3.0 cm
2.0 cm

2.0 cm


Figure 7.24
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