Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1

points (x 1 ,y 1 )and(x 2 ,y 2 ) of the graph
y=mx+cis given by:


y 2 −y 1
x 2 −x 1
Thus forFe=aFl+b, the slopeais given by:


74 − 10
350 − 30



= 0. 2

Thelimiting force ratiois



0. 2

= 5

(b) Thelimiting efficiency


a×movement ratio

× 100


0. 2 × 17

× 100 = 29 .4%

Now try the following exercise

Exercise 89 Further problems on force
ratio, movement ratio and

  1. A simple machine raises a load of 825 N
    through a distance of 0.3 m. The effort
    is 250 N and moves through a distance
    of 3.3 m. Determine: (a) the force ratio,
    (b) the movement ratio, (c) the efficiency
    of the machine at this load.

[(a) 3.3 (b) 11 (c) 30%]

  1. The efficiency of a simple machine is
    50%. If a load of 1.2 kN is raised by an
    effort of 300 N, determine the movement
    ratio. [8]

  2. An effort of 10 N applied to a simple
    machine moves a load of 40 N through
    a distance of 100 mm, the efficiency at
    this load being 80%. Calculate: (a) the
    movement ratio, (b) the distance moved
    by the effort. [(a) 5 (b) 500 mm]

  3. The effort required to raise a load using
    a simple machine, for various values of
    load is as shown:

LoadFl(N) 2050 4120 7410 8240 10300
EffortFe(N) 252 340 465 505 580

If the movement ratio for the machine is
30, determine (a) the law of the machine,

(b) the limiting force ratio, (c) the limit-
ing efficiency.

[(a)Fe= 0. 04 Fl+170 (b) 25
(c) 83.3%]

  1. For the data given in question 4, deter-
    mine the values of force ratio and effi-
    ciency for each value of the load. Hence
    plot graphs of effort, force ratio and
    efficiency to a base of load. From the
    graphs, determine the effort required to
    raise a load of 6 kN and the efficiency at
    this load. [410 N, 49%]

18.3 Pulleys

Apulley system is a simple machine. A single-
pulley system, shown in Figure 18.1(a), changes the
line of action of the effort, but does not change the
magnitude of the force. A two-pulley system, shown
in Figure 18.1(b), changes both the line of action
and the magnitude of the force.




Figure 18.1(a)

Theoretically, each of the ropes marked (i) and
(ii) share the load equally, thus the theoretical effort
is only half of the load, i.e. the theoretical force
ratio is 2. In practice the actual force ratio is less
than 2 due to losses. A three-pulley system is shown
in Figure 18.1(c). Each of the ropes marked (i),
(ii) and (iii) carry one-third of the load, thus the
theoretical force ratio is 3. In general, for a mul-
tiple pulley system having a total ofnpulleys, the
theoretical force ratio isn. Since the theoretical effi-
ciency of a pulley system (neglecting losses) is 100
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