Poetry for Students, Volume 31
to her that in ‘‘A Tree Telling of Orpheus,’’ the awakening of the tree to consciousness serves as a metaphor for the political ...
commented on this interpretation; but it is entirely possible to read the poem quite differ- ently. If at the time she wrote it ...
in her early adult life Levertov thought of herself as an atheist, she was able to approach these diverse traditions without the ...
Greek for ‘‘god is everything’’). When a religious movement is based on mysticism, this can become a normative belief of the sec ...
and a teacher, the spiritual aspects of her poetry, and influences on her work. Q: You see poetry as a calling. How would you di ...
glance at us, and clambered over the wire on the other side and into the woods. Well, I’ve always believed that this was somethi ...
I said, I didn’t have a lot of Jewish input, but I had some, because it was part of my father’s earliest scholarship and of his ...
the sources of the poem’s significance, including its musicality and use of personification. The sources of power in Denise Leve ...
OF CONTENT,’’ says Olson, gives the poem its life (Selected 16). Re-visioning Creeley and Olson, Levertov goes one step further ...
myths. As Native American poet Scott Moma- day states the law of creation: ‘‘A word has power in itself. It comes from nothing a ...
other beings is what we have lost in contempo- rary society.... Source:Marilyn Kallet, ‘‘Moistening Our Roots with Music: Creati ...
Levertov’s earlier political poems fromSorrow Dance(‘‘Life at War,’’‘‘What Were They Like Like?’’) to know how powerful her conc ...
Deikman, Arthur J., ‘‘Deautomatization and the Mystic Experience,’’Psychiatry, Vol. 19, 1966, pp. 324–38. Eckhart, Johannes,Meis ...
The Wreck of the Hesperus Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s ‘‘The Wreck of the Hesperus’’ recounts the story of the ship- wreck of a ...
A major source of the poem’s charm is the ballad form in which it is written. The four-line stanzas, the rhymed second and fourt ...
peritonitis, an abdominal disease, on March 24, 1882, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was buried beside both his wives in the Mo ...
Stanza 2 The daughter is idealized in Longfellow’s descrip- tion. She has blue eyes, which the poet evokes by comparing them to ...
Stanza 15 Unguided now and ghostly, the ship is drawn swiftly by the storm through the sea in the dark of the night to a rocky r ...
intervention when faced with natural fury. In contrast with the image from the Gospels of Christ calming the waters of the Sea o ...
using archaic constructions. He often inverts subject and verb order, as in the first lines of the second, sixth, and seventh st ...
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