Poetry for Students, Volume 31

(Ann) #1
1971; v. 241, December 21, 1985. CopyrightÓ
1971, 1985 by The Nation Magazine/The
Nation Company, Inc. Both reproduced by
permission.—Negro American Literature
Forum, v. 9, summer, 1975. Reproduced by
permission.—The New England Quarterly,
v. 45, March, 1972. CopyrightÓ1972 by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Reproduced by permission of The MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA.—Papers on Language and
Literature, v. 43, summer, 2007. CopyrightÓ
2007 by The Board of Trustees, Southern
Illinois University at Edwardsville. Reproduced
by permission.—Pembroke Magazine, v. 20, 1988
for ‘‘The Poetry of Mary Oliver: Modern
Renewal Through Mortal Acceptance,’’ by
Jeannine B. Alford. Reproduced by permission
of the author.—Phoenix, v. 26, winter, 1972.
Copyright Ó The Classical Association of
Canada/La societe canadienne des Etudes classi-
ques, 1978. All rights reserved. Reproduced by
permission.—PMLA, v. 79, December, 1964.
CopyrightÓ 1964 by the Modern Language
Association of America. Reproduced by permis-
sion of the Modern Language Association of
America.—Publishers Weekly,v.244,April7,

  1. CopyrightÓ 1997 by Reed Publishing
    USA. Reproduced fromPublishers Weekly,pub-
    lished by the Bowker Magazine Group of Cahners
    Publishing Co., a division of Reed Publishing USA,
    by permission.—Renascence: Essays on Values
    and Literature, v. 50, fall/winter, 1997/1998.
    Copyright Ó 1997/1998, Marquette University
    Press. Reproduced by permission.—South Atlantic
    Review, v. 50, May, 1985. CopyrightÓ1985 by the
    South Atlantic Modern Language Association.
    Reproduced by permission.—Southwest Review,v.
    79, winter, 1994. Copyright Ó 1994 Southern
    Methodist University. All rights reserved.
    Reproduced by permission.—The Spectator,v.
    273, September 24, 1994. CopyrightÓ1994 by
    The Spectator. Reproduced by permission of
    The Spectator.—Studies in American Humor,v.7,

  2. Copyright Ó 1989 American Humor
    Studies Association. Reproduced by permission.—
    Times Literary Supplement, February 3, 1984.
    CopyrightÓ 1984byTheTimesSupplements
    Limited. Reproduced fromThe Times Literary
    Supplementby permission.—Translation Review,

  3. CopyrightÓTranslation Review. Repro-
    duced by permission.—Twentieth Century
    Literature, v. 38, fall, 1992. CopyrightÓ1992,
    Hofstra University Press. Reproduced by permis-
    sion.—The Virginia Quarterly Review,v.60,spring,

  4. Copyright 1984, byThe Virginia Quarterly

Review, The University of Virginia. Reproduced
by permission of the publisher.—War, Literature
& the Arts: An International Journal of the
Which No One Wakes: Jarrell, Dreams, and
War,’’ by Matthew B. Hill. Reproduced by permis-
sion of the author.—Women’s Review of Books,v.
9, April, 1992. Copyright Ó 1992 Old City
Publishing, Inc. Reproduced by permission.—
World Literature Today,v.71,winter,1997.
CopyrightÓ1997 byWorld Literature Today.
Reproduced by permission of the publisher.
Bishop, Elizabeth. From The Complete
Poems 1927-1979. Farrar, Straus and Giroux,

  1. CopyrightÓ1979, 1983 by Alice Helen
    Methfessel. All rights reserved. Reprinted by per-
    mission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC.—
    Jarrell, Randall. From The Complete Poems.
    Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975. Copyright Ó
    1969, renewed 1997 by Mary von S. Jarrell.
    Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and
    Giroux, LLC.—Lorca, Federico Garcı ́a. From
    ‘‘Lament for Ignacio Sa ́nchez Mejı ́as,’’ in The
    Selected Poems of Federico Garcı ́aLorca.Edited
    by Francisco Garcı ́a Lorca and Donald M. Allen.
    Translated by Stephen Spender and J. L. Gili.
    New Directions Books, 2005. CopyrightÓ1955,
    2005 by New Directions Publishing Corporation.
    Reproduced by permission of New Directions
    Publishing Corp.—Millay, Edna St. Vincent.
    From ‘‘An Ancient Gesture,’’ inCollected Poems:
    Edna St. Vincent Millay. Edited by Norma Millay.
    Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1956. Copyright
    1917, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1928, 1931, 1933, 1934,
    1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1950 by Edna
    St. Vincent Millay. Copyright, 1945, 1946, 1947,
    1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1956 by Norma Millay
    Ellis. Renewed 1984 by Norma Millay Ellis. ‘‘An
    Ancient Gesture’’: Copyright 1949 by Curtis
    Publishing Company. Reproduced by permission
    of the Literary Estate of Edna St. Vincent
    Millay.—Sappho. FromSappho Poems & Frag-
    ments. Translated by Josephine Balmer. Blood-
    axe Books, 1992. CopyrightÓTranslation and
    Introduction copyright Josephine Balmer 1984,

  2. Reproduced by permission.—Walker,
    Margaret. FromThis Is My Century: New and
    Collected Poems. The University of Georgia
    Press, 1989. Copyright Ó 1989 by Margaret
    Walker Alexander. All rights reserved. Repro-
    duced by permission.


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