His Speed and Strength(Ostriker):
Hoagland, Tony
Social Life:V19
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
The Chambered Nautilus:V24
Old Ironsides:V9
Holy Sonnet 10(Donne): V2
homage to my hips(Clifton): V29
Hongo, Garrett
The Legend:V25
Hope, A. D.
Beware of Ruins:V8
Hope Is a Tattered Flag(Sandburg):
‘‘Hope’’ Is the Thing with Feathers
(Dickinson): V3
Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Pied Beauty:V26
The Horizons of Rooms(Merwin):
The Hospital Window(Dickey): V11
Housman, A. E.
To an Athlete Dying Young:V7
When I Was One-and-Twenty:V4
How I Got That Name(Chin): V28
How We Heard the Name(Dugan):
Howe, Marie
What Belongs to Us:V15
Howl(Ginsberg): V29
Hudgins, Andrew
Elegy for My Father, Who is Not
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley(Pound):
Hughes, Langston
Dream Variations:V15
I, Too:V30
Mother to Son:V3
The Negro Speaks of Rivers:V10
Theme for English B:V6
Hughes, Ted
Hawk Roosting:V4
Perfect Light:V19
Hugo, Richard
For Jennifer, 6, on the Teton:V17
Hum(Lauterbach): V25
Hunger in New York City(Ortiz): V4
Huong, Ho Xuan
Spring-Watching Pavilion:V18
Hurt Hawks(Jeffers): V3
Huswifery(Taylor): V31
Hymn to Aphrodite(Sappho): V20
Hymn to Beauty(Baudelaire): V21
I Died for Beauty(Dickinson): V28
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
(Dickinson): V13
I Go Back to May 1937(Olds): V17
I Hear America Singing(Whitman):
I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died—
(Dickinson): V5
I, I, I(Carruth): V26
I Stop Writing the Poem(Gallagher):
I, Too(Hughes): V30
i was sitting in mcsorley’s
(cummings): V13
The Idea of Order at Key West
(Stevens): V13
If(Kipling): V22
In a Station of the Metro(Pound): V2
In Flanders Fields(McCrae): V5
In Memory of Radio(Baraka): V9
In Particular(Byrne): V20
In the Land of Shinar(Levertov): V7
In the Suburbs(Simpson): V14
Incident in a Rose Garden(Justice):
Inventors(Blumentha): V7
Iola, Kansas(Clampitt): V27
An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
(Yeats): V1
Island of the Three Marias(Rı ́os): V11
Ithaka(Cavafy): V19
It’s a Woman’s World(Boland): V22
It’s like This(Dobyns): V23
Jabberwocky(Carroll): V11
Jacobsen, Josephine
Fiddler Crab:V23
Jarrell, Randall
The Death of the Ball Turret
Jeffers, Robinson
Hurt Hawks:V3
Shine Perishing Republic:V4
Johnson, James Weldon
The Creation:V1
Jonson, Ben
Song: To Celia:V23
Journey of the Magi(Eliot): V7
Justice, Donald
Incident in a Rose Garden:V14
Keats, John
La Belle Dame sans Merci: V17
Bright Star! Would I Were
Steadfast as Thou Art:V9
Ode on a Grecian Urn:V1
Ode to a Nightingale:V3
When I Have Fears that I May
Cease to Be:V2
Kelly, Brigit Pegeen
The Satyr’s Heart:V22
Kenyon, Jane
Having it Out with Melancholy:
‘‘Trouble with Math in a One-
Room Country School’’:V9
Kilroy:(Viereck): V14
Kim, Sue (Suji) Kwock
Monologue for an Onion:V24
Kindness(Nye): V24
King James Bible
Psalm 8:V9
Psalm 23:V4
Kinnell, Galway
Another Night in the Ruins:V26
Saint Francis and the Sow:V9
Kipling, Rudyard
Kizer, Carolyn
To an Unknown Poet:V18
Knowledge(Addonizio): V25
Knoxville, Tennessee(Giovanni): V17
Koch, Kenneth
Komunyakaa, Yusef
Facing It:V5
Ode to a Drum:V20
Slam, Dunk, & Hook:V30
Kooser, Ted
At the Cancer Clinic:V24
The Constellation Orion:V8
Kubla Khan(Coleridge): V5
Kumin, Maxine
Address to the Angels:V18
Kunitz, Stanley
The War Against the Trees:V11
Kyger, Joanne
l(a(cummings): V1
The Lady of Shalott(Tennyson): V15
Lake(Warren): V23
The Lake Isle of Innisfree(Yeats):
The Lamb(Blake): V12
Lament for Ignacio Sa ́nchez Mejı ́as
(Lorca): V31
Lament for the Dorsets(Purdy): V5
Landscape with Tractor(Taylor):
Lanier, Sidney
Song of the Chattahoochee:V14
Larkin, Philip
An Arundel Tomb:V12
High Windows:V3
The Last Question(Parker): V18
Last Request(Brouwer): V14
Late and Deep(Celan): V21
Lauterbach, Ann
Cumulative Author/Title Index
Cumulative Author/Title Index