Poetry for Students, Volume 31

(Ann) #1

Laux, Dorianne
For the Sake of Strangers:V24
Lawrence, D. H.
Layton, Irving
A Tall Man Executes a Jig:V12
Lazic ́, Radmila
Death Sentences:V22
Leda and the Swan(Yeats): V13
Lee, Li-Young
Early in the Morning:V17
For a New Citizen of These United
The Weight of Sweetness:V11
The Legend(Hongo): V25
Lepidopterology(Svenbro): V23
Levertov, Denise
The Blue Rim of Memory:V17
In the Land of Shinar:V7
A Tree Telling of Orpheus:V31
Leviathan(Merwin): V5
Levine, Philip
Lim, Shirley Geok-lin
Pantoun for Chinese Women:V29
Lineage(Walker): V31
The Litany(Gioia): V24
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Arsenal at Springfield:V17
Paul Revere’s Ride:V2
A Psalm of Life:V7
The Wreck of the Hesperus:V31
Lord Randal(Anonymous): V6
Lorde, Audre
What My Child Learns of the Sea:
Losses(Jarrell): V31
Lost in Translation(Merrill): V23
Lost Sister(Song): V5
Love Calls Us to the Things of This
World(Wilbur): V29
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
(Eliot): V1
Lowell, Amy
The Taxi:V30
Lowell, Robert
For the Union Dead:V7
The Quaker Graveyard in
Loy, Mina
Moreover, the Moon:V20

MacBeth, George
Bedtime Story:V8
Machado, Antonio
The Crime Was in Granada:V23
MacLeish, Archibald
Ars Poetica:V5
Madgett, Naomi Long
Alabama Centennial:V10

maggie and milly and molly and may
(cummings): V12
Malroux, Claire
Morning Walk:V21
The Man He Killed(Hardy): V3
The Man-Moth(Bishop): V27
Marlowe, Christopher
The Passionate Shepherd to His
A Martian Sends a Postcard Home
(Raine): V7
Marvell, Andrew
To His Coy Mistress:V5
Masefield, John
Mastectomy(Ostriker): V26
Maternity(Swir): V21
Matsuo Basho
Falling Upon Earth:V2
The Moon Glows the Same:V7
Temple Bells Die Out:V18
Maxwell, Glyn
The Nerve:V23
McCrae, John
In Flanders Fields:V5
McElroy, Colleen
A Pie`d:V3
McGinley, Phyllis
The Conquerors:V13
Reactionary Essay on Applied
McHugh, Heather
Three To’s and an Oi:V24
McKay, Claude
The Tropics in New York:V4
Meeting the British(Muldoon): V7
Memoir(Van Duyn): V20
Memory(Arvio): V21
Mending Wall(Frost): V5
Merlin Enthralled(Wilbur): V16
Merriam, Eve
Merrill, James
Lost in Translation:V23
Merwin, W. S.
The Horizons of Rooms:V15
Metamorphoses(Ovid): V22
Midnight(Heaney): V2
Midnight Verses(Akhmatova): V18
The Milkfish Gatherers(Fenton):
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
An Ancient Gesture:V31
The Courage That My Mother
Wild Swans:V17
Milosz, Czeslaw
From the Rising of the Sun:V29
Song of a Citizen:V16
Milton, John
[On His Blindness] Sonnet 16:V3

On His Having Arrived at the Age
of Twenty-Three:V17
Mind(Graham): V17
All I Was Doing Was Breathing:
Mirror(Plath): V1
Miss Rosie(Clifton): V1
The Missing(Gunn): V9
Momaday, N. Scott
Angle of Geese:V2
To a Child Running With
Outstretched Arms in Canyon de
Monologue for an Onion(Kim): V24
Montague, John
A Grafted Tongue:V12
Montale, Eugenio
On the Threshold:V22
The Moon Glows the Same(Basho):
Moore, Marianne
The Fish:V14
‘‘More Light! More Light!’’(Hecht):
Moreover, the Moon(Loy): V20
Morning Walk(Malroux): V21
Mother to Son(Hughes): V3
Much Madness Is Divinest Sense
(Dickinson): V16
Muldoon, Paul
Meeting the British:V7
Pineapples and Pomegranates:
Mueller, Lisel
Blood Oranges:V13
The Exhibit:V9
Muse ́e des Beaux Arts(Auden): V1
Music Lessons(Oliver): V8
Muske-Dukes, Carol
Our Side:V24
My Father’s Song(Ortiz): V16
My Grandmother’s Plot in the Family
Cemetery(Emerson): V27
My Last Duchess(Browning): V1
My Life Closed Twice Before Its
Close(Dickinson): V8
My Mother Pieced Quilts(Acosta):
My Papa’s Waltz(Roethke): V3
The Mystery(Glu ̈ck): V15

Names of Horses(Hall): V8
A Narrow Fellow in the Grass
(Dickinson): V11
Nash, Ogden
The Hippopotamus:V31
Native Guard(Trethewey): V29

Cumulative Author/Title Index

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