Poetry for Students, Volume 31

(Ann) #1

Hold fast to dreams (Dream
Variations) V15:42
Hope is a tattered flag and a dream
out of time. (Hope is a Tattered
Flag) V12:120
‘‘Hope’’ is the thing with feathers—
(‘‘Hope’’ Is the Thing with
Feathers) V3:123
How do I love thee? Let me count the
ways (Sonnet 43) V2:236
How is your life with the other one,
(An Attempt at Jealousy) V29:23
How shall we adorn (Angle of Geese)
How soon hath Time, the subtle thief
of youth, (On His Having
Arrived at the Age of Twenty-
Three) V17:159
How would it be if you took yourself
off (Landscape with Tractor)
Hunger crawls into you (Hunger in
New York City) V4:79

I am not a painter, I am a poet (Why
I Am Not a Painter) V8:258
I am silver and exact. I have no
preconceptions (Mirror) V1:116
I am the Smoke King (The Song of
the Smoke) V13:196
I am trying to pry open your casket
(Dear Reader) V10:85
I became a creature of light (The
Mystery) V15:137
I cannot love the Brothers Wright
(Reactionary Essay on Applied
Science) V9:199
I caught a tremendous fish (The
Fish) V31:44
I died for Beauty—but was scarce
(I Died for Beauty) V28:174
I don’t mean to make you cry.
(Monologue for an Onion)
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, (I felt a
Funeral in my Brain) V13:137
I gave birth to life. (Maternity)
I have just come down from my
father (The Hospital Window)
I have met them at close of day
(Easter 1916) V5:91
I haven’t the heart to say (To an
Unknown Poet) V18:221
I hear America singing, the varied
carols I hear (I Hear America
Singing) V3:152
I heard a Fly buzz—when I died— (I
Heard a Fly Buzz— When I
Died—) V5:140

I know that I shall meet my fate (An
Irish Airman Foresees His
Death) V1:76
I leant upon a coppice gate (The
Darkling Thrush) V18:74
I lie down on my side in the moist
grass (Omen) v22:107
I looked in my heart while the wild
swans went over. (Wild Swans)
I met a traveller from an antique land
(Ozymandias) V27:173
I prove a theorem and the house
expands: (Geometry) V15:68
I saw that a star had broken its rope
(Witness) V26:285
I see them standing at the formal
gates of their colleges, (I go
Back to May 1937) V17:112
I shook your hand before I went.
(Mastectomy) V26:122
I sit in one of the dives (September 1,
1939) V27:234
I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes
closed (Hawk Roosting) V4:55
I thought, as I wiped my eyes on the
corner of my apron: (An
Ancient Gesture) V31:3
I thought wearing an evergreen dress
(Pine) V23:223–224
I, too, sing America. (I, Too) V30:99
I was angry with my friend; (A
Poison Tree) V24:195–196
I was born in the congo (Ego-
Tripping) V28:112
I was born too late and I am much
too old, (Death Sentences)
I was born under the mudbank
(Seeing You) V24:244–245
I was sitting in mcsorley’s. outside it
was New York and beautifully
snowing. (i was sitting in
mcsorley’s) V13:151
I will arise and go now, and go to
Innisfree, (The Lake Isle of
Innisfree) V15:121
If all the world and love were young,
(The Nymph’s Reply to the
Shepard) V14:241
If ever two were one, then surely we
(To My Dear and Loving
Husband) V6:228
If every time their minds drifted,
(What the Poets Could Have
Been) V26:261
If I should die, think only this of me
(The Soldier) V7:218
If you can keep your head when all
about you (If) V22:54–55
If you want my apartment, sleep in it
(Rent) V25:164

I’m delighted to see you (The
Constellation Orion) V8:53
‘‘Imagine being the first to say:
surveillance,’’ (Inventors) V7:97
Impatient for home, (Portrait of a
Couple at Century’s End)
In 1790 a woman could die by falling
(The Art of the Novel) V23:29
In 1936, a child (Blood Oranges)
In a while they rose and went out
aimlessly riding, (Merlin
Enthralled) V16:72
In China (Lost Sister) V5:216
In ethics class so many years ago
(Ethics) V8:88
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
(In Flanders Fields) V5:155
In India in their lives they happen
(Ways to Live) V16:228
In May, when sea-winds pierced our
solitudes, (The Rhodora)
In such a night, when every louder
wind (A Nocturnal Reverie)
In the bottom drawer of my desk...
(Answers to Letters) V21:30–31
In the evening (Another Night in the
Ruins) V26:12
In the groves of Africa from their
natural wonder (An African
Elegy) V13:3
In the Shreve High football stadium
(Autumn Begins in Martins
Ferry, Ohio) V8:17
In the sixty-eight years (Accounting)
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan (Kubla
Khan) V5:172
Ink runs from the corners of my
mouth (Eating Poetry) V9:60
Is it the boy in me who’s looking out
(The Boy) V19:14
It is a cold and snowy night. The
main street is deserted. (Driving
to Town Late to Mail a Letter)
It is an ancient Mariner (The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner) V4:127
It is in the small things we see it.
(Courage) V14:125
It is said, the past (Russian Letter)
It little profits that an idle king
(Ulysses) V2:278
It looked extremely rocky for the
Mudville nine that day (Casey
at the Bat) V5:57
It must be troubling for the god who
loves you (The God Who Loves
You) V20:88

Cumulative Index of First Lines

Cumulative Index of First Lines
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