The river brought down (How We
Heard the Name) V10:167
The rusty spigot (Onomatopoeia)
The sea is calm tonight (Dover
Beach) V2:52
The sea sounds insincere (The
Milkfish Gatherers) V11:111
The slow overture of rain, (Mind)
The Soul selects her own Society—
(The Soul Selects Her Own
Society) V1:259
The summer that I was ten— (The
Centaur) V30:20
‘‘The sun was shining on the sea,
(The Walrus and the Carpenter)
The time you won your town the race
(To an Athlete Dying Young)
The way sorrow enters the bone
(The Blue Rim of Memory)
The whiskey on your breath (My
Papa’s Waltz) V3:191
The white ocean in which birds swim
(Morning Walk) V21:167
The wind was a torrent of darkness
among the gusty trees (The
Highwayman) V4:66
The windows were open and the
morning air was, by the smell of
lilac and some darker flowering
shrub, filled with the brown and
chirping trills of birds. (Yet we
insist that life is full of happy
chance) V27:291
There are blows in life, so hard...I
just don’t know! (The Black
Heralds) V26:47
There are strange things done in the
midnight sun(The Cremation of
Sam McGee) V10:75
There have been rooms for such a
short time (The Horizons of
Rooms) V15:79
There is a hunger for order, (A Thirst
Against) V20:205
There is no way not to be excited
(Paradiso) V20:190–191
There is the one song everyone (Siren
Song) V7:196
There will come soft rains and the
smell of the ground, (There Will
Come Soft Rains) V14:301
There you are, in all your innocence,
(Perfect Light) V19:187
There’s a Certain Slant of Light
(There’s a Certain Slant of
Light) V6:211
There’s no way out. (In the Suburbs)
These open years, the river (For
Jennifer, 6, on the Teton) V17:86
These unprepossessing sunsets (Art
Thou the Thing I Wanted)
They eat beans mostly, this old yellow
pair (The Bean Eaters) V2:16
They said, ‘‘Wait.’’ Well, I waited.
(Alabama Centennial) V10:2
They say a child with two mouths is
no good. (Pantoun for Chinese
Women) V29:241
they were just meant as covers (My
Mother Pieced Quilts) V12:169
This girlchild was: born as usual
(Barbie Doll) V9:33
This is a litany of lost things, (The
Litany) V24:101–102
This is my letter to the World (This Is
My Letter to the World) V4:233
This is the Arsenal. From floor to
ceiling, (The Arsenal at
Springfield) V17:2
This is the black sea-brute bulling
through wave-wrack
(Leviathan) V5:203
This is the ship of pearl, which, poets
feign, (The Chambered
Nautilus) V24:52–53
This poem is concerned with
language on a very plain level
(Paradoxes and Oxymorons)
This tale is true, and mine. It tells
(The Seafarer) V8:177
Thou still unravish’d bride of
quietness (Ode on a Grecian
Urn) V1:179
Three times my life has opened.
(Three Times My Life Has
Opened) V16:213
Time in school drags along with so
much worry, (Childhood) V19:29
to fold the clothes. No matter who
lives (I Stop Writimg the Poem)
To him who in the love of Nature
holds (Thanatopsis) V30:232–233
To replay errors (Daughter-Mother-
Maya-Seeta) V25:83
To weep unbidden, to wake
(Practice) V23:240
Toni Morrison despises (The Toni
Morrison Dreams) V22:202–203
Tonight I can write the saddest lines
(Tonight I Can Write) V11:187
tonite,thrillerwas (Beware: Do Not
Read This Poem) V6:3
Truth be told, I do not want to forget
(Native Guard) V29:183
Turning and turning in the widening
gyre (The Second Coming)
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
(Jabberwocky) V11:91
’Twas mercy brought me from my
pagan land, (On Being Brought
from Africa to America)
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
(The Road Not Taken) V2:195
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright (The
Tyger) V2:263
wade (The Fish) V14:171
Wanting to say things, (My Father’s
Song) V16:102
We are saying goodbye (Station)
We came from our own country in a
red room (Originally)
We cannot know his legendary head
(Archaic Torso of Apollo)
We could be here. This is the valley
(Small Town with One Road)
We met the British in the dead of
winter (Meeting the British)
We real cool. We (We Real Cool)
Well, son, I’ll tell you (Mother to
Son) V3:178
What dire offense from amorous
causes springs, (The Rape of the
Lock) V12:202
What happens to a dream deferred?
(Harlem) V1:63
What of the neighborhood homes
awash (The Continuous Life)
What thoughts I have of you tonight,
Walt Whitman, for I walked
down the sidestreets under the
trees with a headache self-
conscious looking at the full
moon (A Supermarket in
California) V5:261
Whatever it is, it must have
(American Poetry) V7:2
When Abraham Lincoln was
shoveled into the tombs, he
forgot the copperheads, and the the dust, in the
cool tombs (Cool Tombs) V6:45
When despair for the world grows in
me (The Peace of Wild Things)
When I consider how my light is
spent ([On His Blindness]
Sonnet 16) V3:262
Cumulative Index of First Lines