When I go away from you (The Taxi)
When I have fears that I may cease to
be (When I Have Fears that I
May Cease to Be) V2:295
When I heard the learn’d
astronomer, (When I Heard the
Learn’d Astronomer) V22:244
When I see a couple of kids (High
Windows) V3:108
When I see birches bend to left and
right (Birches) V13:14
When I was born, you waited
(Having it Out with
Melancholy) V17:98
When I was one-and-twenty (When I
Was One-and-Twenty) V4:268
When I watch you (Miss Rosie)
When the mountains of Puerto Rico
(We Live by What We See at
Night) V13:240
When the world was created wasn’t it
like this? (Anniversary) V15:2
When they saidCarrickfergusI could
hear (The Singer’s House)
When we two parted (When We Two
Parted) V29:297
When you consider the radiance,
that it does not withhold (The
City Limits) V19:78
When you look through the window
in Sag Harbor and see (View)
When, in disgrace with Fortune and
men’s eyes (Sonnet 29) V8:198
Whenever Richard Cory went down
town (Richard Cory) V4:116
While I was gone a war began.
(While I Was Gone a War
Began) V21:253–254
While my hair was still cut straight
across my forehead (The River-
Merchant’s Wife: A Letter)
While the long grain is softening
(Early in the Morning) V17:75
While this America settles in the
mould of its vulgarity, heavily
thickening to empire (Shine,
Perishing Republic) V4:161
While you are preparing for sleep,
brushing your teeth, (The
Afterlife) V18:39
Who has ever stopped to think of the
divinity of Lamont Cranston?
(In Memory of Radio) V9:144
Whose woods these are I think I
know (Stopping by Woods on a
Snowy Evening) V1:272
Whoso list to hunt: I know where is
an hind. (Whoso List to Hunt)
Why should I let the toadwork
(Toads) V4:244
You are small and intense (To a
Child Running With Out-
stretched Arms in Canyon de
Chelly) V11:173
You can’t hear? Everything here is
changing. (The River Mumma
Wants Out) V25:191
You do not have to be good. (Wild
Geese) V15:207
You should lie down now and
remember the forest, (The
Forest) V22:36–37
You stood thigh-deep in water and
green light glanced (Lake)
You were never told, Mother, how
old Illya was drunk (The Czar’s
Last Christmas Letter) V12:44
Cumulative Index of First Lines
Cumulative Index of First Lines