that does not see you. You must
change your life. (Archaic
Torso of Apollo) V27:3
That then I scorn to change my state
with Kings (Sonnet 29) V8:198
that there is more to know, that one
day you will know it.
(Knowledge) V25:113
That when we live no more, we may
live ever (To My Dear and
Loving Husband) V6:228
That’s the word. (Black Zodiac)
the bigger it gets. (Smart and Final
Iris) V15:183
The bosom of his Father and his God
(Elegy Written in a Country
Churchyard) V9:74
the bow toward torrents ofveyz mir.
(Three To’s and an Oi) V24:264
The crime was in Granada, his
Granada. (The Crime Was in
Granada) V23:55–56
The dance is sure (Overture to a
Dance of Locomotives)
The eyes turn topaz. (Hugh Selwyn
Mauberley) V16:30
the flames? (Another Night in the
Ruins) V26:13
The garland briefer than a girl’s (To
an Athlete Dying Young)
The guidon flags flutter gayly in the
wind. (Cavalry Crossing a
Ford) V13:50
The hands gripped hard on the desert
(At the Bomb Testing Site) V8:3
The holy melodies of love arise. (The
Arsenal at Springfield) V17:3
the knife at the throat, the death in
the metronome (Music
Lessons) V8:117
The Lady of Shalott.’’ (The Lady of
Shalott) V15:97
The lightning and the gale! (Old
Ironsides) V9:172
The lone and level sands stretch far
away. (Ozymandias) V27:173
the long, perfect loveliness of sow
(Saint Francis and the Sow)
The Lord survives the rainbow of
His will (The Quaker
Graveyard in Nantucket)
The man I was when I was part of it
(Beware of Ruins) V8:43
the quilts sing on (My Mother Pieced
Quilts) V12:169
The red rose and the brier (Barbara
Allan) V7:11
The self-same Power that brought
me there brought you. (The
Rhodora) V17:191
The shaft we raise to them and thee
(Concord Hymn) V4:30
the skin of another,what I have made
is a curse. (Curse) V26:75
The sky became a still and woven blue.
(Merlin Enthralled) V16:73
The spirit of this place (To a Child
Running With Outstretched
Arms in Canyon de Chelly)
The town again, trailing your legs
and crying! (Wild Swans)
the unremitting space of your
rebellion (Lost Sister) V5:217
The woman won (Oysters) V4:91
their dinnerware. (Portrait of a
Couple at Century’s End)
their guts or their brains? (Southbound
on the Freeway) V16:158
Then chiefly lives. (Virtue) V25:263
There are blows in life, so hard...I
just don’t know! (The Black
Heralds) V26:47
There is the trap that catches noblest
spirits, that caught— they say—
God, when he walked on earth
(Shine, Perishing Republic)
there was light (Vancouver Lights)
They also serve who only stand and
wait.’’ ([On His Blindness]
Sonnet 16) V3:262
They are going to some point true
and unproven. (Geometry)
They rise, they walk again (The
Heaven of Animals) V6:76
They say a child with two mouths is
no good. (Pantoun for Chinese
Women) V29:242
They think I lost. I think I won
(Harlem Hopscotch) V2:93
They’d eaten every one.’’ (The
Walrus and the Carpenter)
This is my page for English B (Theme
for English B) V6:194
This Love (In Memory of Radio)
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile! (A
Red, Red Rose) V8:152
Though I sang in my chains like the
sea (Fern Hill) V3:92
Till human voices wake us, and we
drown (The Love Song of J.
Alfred Prufrock) V1:99
Till Love and Fame to nothingness
do sink (When I Have Fears
that I May Cease to Be) V2:295
Till the gossamer thread you fling
catch somewhere, O my soul. (A
Noiseless Patient Spider)
To every woman a happy ending
(Barbie Doll) V9:33
to glow at midnight. (The Blue Rim
of Memory) V17:39
to its owner or what horror has
befallen the other shoe (A Pie ́d)
To live with thee and be thy love.
(The Nymph’s Reply to the
Shepherd) V14:241
To mock the riddled corpses round
Bapaume. (‘‘Blighters’’) V28:3
To strengthen whilst one stands.’’
(Goblin Market) V27:96
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to
yield (Ulysses) V2:279
To the moaning and the groaning of
the bells (The Bells) V3:47
To the temple, singing. (In the
Suburbs) V14:201
To wound myself upon the sharp
edges of the night? (The Taxi)
Turned to that dirt from whence he
sprung. (A Satirical Elegy on
the Death of a Late Famous
General) V27:216
Undeniable selves, into your days,
and beyond. (The Continuous
Life) V18:51
until at last I lift you up and wrap
you within me. (It’s like This)
Until Eternity. (The Bustle in a
House) V10:62
unusual conservation (Chocolates)
Uttering cries that are almost human
(American Poetry) V7:2
War is kind (War Is Kind) V9:253
watching to see how it’s done. (I Stop
Writing the Poem) V16:58
water. (Poem in Which My Legs Are
Accepted) V29:262
We are satisfied, if you are; but why
did I die? (Losses) V31:167–68
we tread upon, forgetting. Truth be
told. (Native Guard) V29:185
Went home and put a bullet through
his head (Richard Cory) V4:117