Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

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Facebook fans didn’t increase significantly, which led the franchise to distrust the mar-
keting company before it could show its capabilities. to say the least, the marketing
company got off on the wrong foot! the company would’ve been better served to mix
it up a bit by including an occasionally important or informative message alongside its
marketing messages, such as these examples:
“Bring your umbrella—storms expected this afternoon in town!”
“get a free drink with any of our great meatball sandwiches today only when
you mention Facebook!”
“Festival downtown this weekend—get your early-bird tickets at
When in doubt, you should remember the golden rule of social media marketing:
“Do unto your customers as you would be happy to have them do unto you.”
there is a fine line between informing and annoying your customers—make
sure you are providing value to your community through social media. Be thoughtful
and informative with everything you share on social media. When someone chooses to
become a fan or follower of your company, it’s a privilege and not a right!
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