Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day.

(Tuis.) #1

c h a p t e r

2 :

What Is Facebook?

Facebook. the jumping-off point for us won’t be the traditional “desktop” but rather
the Internet browser running Facebook.
this is especially possible as the News Feed becomes more and more useful.
today it contains primarily updates on friends, but it could very easily become a filter
through which we get content that interests us from all over the Web, from compa-
nies, businesses, or brands that interest us as well as from our friends and business
colleagues. as it includes more and more information, it becomes more and more
useful, especially if controls for filtering content get better over time. as you can tell
from the screen shot of my News Feed in Figure 2.5, there is a lot here that can keep
someone busy!

Figure 2.5 Friend updates on the Facebook News Feed

a significant and increasing number of people are beginning to use Facebook
in this manner, especially in younger demographic groups. that’s why being in the
News Feed is so important. breaking into the News Feed is currently the easiest and
most important consideration for brands and companies looking to establish a presence
and identity on Facebook. Your biggest fans, not to mention future customers, are

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