Lecture 19: High Renaissance Painting in Venice
and it was principally by Venetian painters that landscape art was introduced
from northern Europe into Italy, where it increased in importance during the
16 th and 17th centuries. This interest in landscape continues with the great
pupils of Bellini, particularly Giorgione and Titian.
Giorgione (1476/78–1510), born in Castelfranco, was a student of Bellini
during the mid-1490s. We see his Pastoral Concert (in French, Concert
Champêtre, or Fête Champêtre) (c. 1510–1511). In the past, this painting
was sometimes attributed to Titian, but the attribution to Giorgione now is
generally accepted. Giorgione developed his own style based on Bellini’s
example and was extremely inÀ uential on later artists. There are four
principal ¿ gures in the foreground, two clothed males and two nude females,
a puzzling arrangement. Music forms part of the core of the painting. One
man plays a lute, and one woman has a wind instrument. In the Renaissance,
music was associated with passion. The other woman pours a crystal glass of
water into a stone urn. This ¿ gure may represent the Classical ideal, while the
seated woman may represent human passion. The landscape is based on the
Venetian mainland territory. This painting
often is associated with Arcadian Classical
poetry, in particular the work of Virgil and
Ovid, and may represent a golden age now
past. This painting, on display in the Louvre
for 200 years, has been a great inÀ uence on
countless painters, poets, and writers.
Titian (1488/90–1576) was born Tiziano
Vecellio in the village of Pieve di Cadore,
north of Venice in the foothills of the
Dolomite mountains. As a boy, he may have
been apprenticed to mosaicists in Venice,
then to Gentile Bellini, followed by his brother, Giovanni. He was also a
friend and colleague of Giorgione, who was about 10 years older. They
developed their styles together but had different temperaments. Giorgione
died young, leaving some un¿ nished paintings. Titian probably completed
a number of those works while continuing to develop his own unique style
over the course of a long career. He was probably not yet 30 when his early
masterpiece was completed, for the high altar of the Basilica of Santa Maria
Bellini’s Madonna and
Child Enthroned with
Saints (San Zaccaria
Altarpiece) (c. 1505)
is in a prestigious
church dedicated to
the father of St. John
the Baptist.