1498–1499....................................... Michelangelo designs and carves the
Pietà for the tomb of a French cardinal
in the Basilica of St. Peter’s.
1501–1504....................................... Michelangelo carves monumental statue
of David in Florence.
1503–1506....................................... Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
1505................................................. Giovanni Bellini paints his masterpiece
of the Venetian High Renaissance style,
the San Zaccaria Altarpiece, Venice.
c. 1505–1510 ................................... Painting of the famous triptych
Garden of Earthly Delights by
Hieronymus Bosch.
1508–1511 ....................................... Painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling
by Michelangelo.
1510................................................. Matthias Grünewald begins work on the
Isenheim Altarpiece.
c. 1510–1511 ................................... Pastoral Concert by Giorgione.
1510–1514....................................... Raphael paints the Stanzae, the rooms
of the papal apartments in the Vatican.
1517................................................. Beginning of the
Protestant Reformation.
c. 1520 ............................................. Beginnings of Mannerism.
1522................................................. Bacchus and Ariadne painted by Titian
for the rulers of Ferrara.
c. 1526–1530 ................................... Antonio Correggio paints the
Assumption of the Virgin in the
cathedral at Parma, which served as
the principal model for illusionistic
dome paintings of the Baroque and
subsequent eras.