1792................................................. French invasion of Austria, launching
a series of wars of “liberation” initiated
by the French armies.
1793................................................. Execution of King Louis XVI and his
queen, Marie Antoinette; murder of
Jean-Paul Marat; Reign of Terror.
1796................................................. French invasion of Italy.
1798................................................. Invention of lithography.
1799................................................. Napoleonic campaigns in the
Holy Land.
1799–1804....................................... Consulate of Napoleon.
1804................................................. Napoleon declares himself emperor.
1808................................................. Napoleon compels King Charles IV of
Spain to abdicate in favor of his brother,
Joseph Bonaparte; open revolts erupt
across Spain.
1814................................................. Napoleon deposed.
1815................................................. Defeated at Waterloo, Napoleon exiled
to St. Helena.
1816................................................. The frigate Medusa founders off the
coast of Africa and only 15 of its
passengers survive; the incident inspires
Géricault’s Raft of the Medusa.
1821 í1828 ...................................... Greek war for independence against
the Turks.
1830................................................. July Revolution in France; Louis-
Philippe, the “Citizen King,” installed
on the throne.
c. 1840–1900 ................................... Realism, a style which can include
Impressionism, but is best exempli¿ ed
by the paintings of Courbet and Millet.