Laboratory Methods of Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd English Ed. 1928
HEXAMMINECOBALTIC SALTS. 175 Dissolve it in a little warm water, cool the solution and precipitate the nitrate by adding concent ...
176 METAI^-AMMONIA COMPOUNDS. To purify the first product, dissolve it in as little cold water as possible (about 5 g. of the ch ...
AQUOPENTAMMINECOBALTIC SALTS. 177 dilute nitric acid, filter, and dilute the solution to 100 c.c. Add 200 c.c. of concentrated a ...
178 METAL-AMMONIA COMPOUNDS. number of times, and, after it has stood for 24 hours, filter off the slime of hydrated manganese d ...
DINITBITOTETRAMMINECOBALTIC SALTS. 179 Aquopentamminecobaltic chloride changes slowly on long keep- ing into chloropurpureocobal ...
180 METAL-AMMONIA COMPOUNDS. To purify the salt, recrystallize from 25 c.c. of water slightly acidulated with acetic acid. Colle ...
DINITRITOTETBAMMINECOBALTIC SALTS. 181 then with pure alcohol, and dry the product in a desiccator. The yield is variable. React ...
182 METAL-AMMONIA COMPOUNDS. directions, optical isomers as they are called.^1 According to van't Hoff, optical isomerism is cau ...
TRINITRITOTRIAMMINECOBALT. 183 12 hours more and then collect the precipitate on a filter. The chloroaquotetrammine salt is very ...
184 METAL-AMMONIA COMPOUNDS. nor do they give precipitates with mercuric chloride, with oxalates, or with chromates. Hexaminlne ...
HEXAMMINECOBALTOUS CHLORIDE. 185 nitric acid, and, by the addition of more nitric acid, precipitate out the crystalline hexammin ...
186 METAL^AMMONIA COMPOUNDS. The preparation of these two isomeric compounds is described in Preparations 142 and 143. Both of t ...
DIAMMINEDICHLOROCOBALT. 187 a-Diamminedicblorocobalt, a-[Co(NHj)aCla]. The more stable of the two isomers mentioned in the intr ...
188 METAL-AMMONIA COMPOUNDS. eter. If some undecomposed hexammine remains, the pressure will be much greater. Weigh the tube and ...
HYDRATES. 189 THERMIC ANALYSIS. If the freezing-point of an aqueous solution of a salt is determined at various concentrations ...
190 HYDRATES. This method of analysis does not apply solely to the mixtures of a salt and water, but it can be used very general ...
MELTING-POINT MAXIMUM. 191 salt can be answered only in a few special cases. Undoubtedly in certain metal-ammonia compounds it b ...
192 HYDRATES. The method employed is the same in principle as that followed in determining freezing-points with the well-known B ...
MELTING-POINT MAXIMUM. 193 pronounced, but the beginning of crystallization can always be observed distinctly by the clouding of ...
194 HYDRATES. chloride (weighing it to an accuracy of two significant figures), and determine the freezing-point of the solution ...
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