Laboratory Methods of Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd English Ed. 1928

(singke) #1
250 INDEX.

Cobaltous ammonia salts 185-188
Cobaltous salt of hydromercurithiocyanic acid 147
Colloidal solution 33
Colloidal state 33
Colloids, protective 42
Columbite 223
Columbian compounds 223
Complex cations 155, 164, 165
Complex compounds 99, 140, 155
classification of 100
Complex cyanogen compounds 139
Complexes, formation of 141
stability of 141
Compounds, simple 51
containing a complex negative component 99
containing a complex positive component 155
Concentration, anomalous change in 140
Concentration, molal 53
Condensation of very volatile substances 8, 57
Conductivity, molecular, of the metal-ammonia compounds 165
Contact process 53, 58
Convective transference 42
Cooling curve 28
Coordination number 141, 166
theory.. *. 141, 166
Copper ferrocyanide membrane 49
hydride 65
sulphate 57
Correction of melting and boiling points 22, 78
Coulomb 28
Croceocobaltic salts 167, 180
Cryohydrates 189, 194
Crystallization 4
Crystalloids 39
Crystals, growth of large at expense of small grains 174
Cupellation 21
Cupric ammonium sulphate 169
bromide 73
sulphate 57
hydrates of 190
Cuprous bromide 73
chloride 74
mercuriiodide 37
oxide 56
Curie, M. and Mme 231
Current density 116

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